What Should A Government Do For A Country To Become Succesful?

What should a government do for a country to become succesful?.
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Goverment is the system which control every finacial and culture buisines. Some times goverment doing some things which is not logical for country citizens. So, in this essay i want to discuss what goverment should do for a country to become succesful.
First of all,21st centuary have a really big money laundary issue in goverment. For example,national football stadium in Vilnius,every lithuanian know that there is stadium which will never be finished,because some politics stole 260 millions litas for stadium construction and no one know who stole them.
- Government & Nonprofit Essays
- Microsoft Word 11 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 1 page (394 words)
- Ugnė