Warehousing And Storage In Logistics

Warehousing and Storage in Logistics. Warehousing is the. The main activities and operations performed in warehouses acceptance and registration of products. Warehouse types. Factories - only products produced in that place are stored in factories. Division of warehouses. Modern warehouse buildings are single-storey or multi-storey. Warehouse equipment. Warehouse areas. Warehouse management system. Warehouse management system helps to increase the efficiency of ongoing processes. The main task.
Warehousing is the operation of goods, their organization, control and management. Warehouse logistics is defined as the totality of operations with goods from receipt and dispatch from the warehouse.
The main activities and operations performed in warehouses: acceptance and registration of products; long-term and short-term warehousing and storage; brand and delivery; customs warehousing (import and export procedures).
Factories - only products produced in that place are stored in factories; central - all products manufactured by the company are stored in them; regional - they connect factories and outlets; sales bases - goods are distributed and prepared for the customer according to orders.
- Logistics Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 10871 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 10 pages (212 words)
- College
- Simona