Types Of Logistics

Introduction. So what is logistics? Types of logistics. Green logistics. what is it? Emergency logistics. What is reverse logistics? Conclution. References.
There are many different opinions, of what logistics is and there is no short explanatiot for It. At first, this word was used in military, and the meaning was to bring the supplies, technique and/or troops from one place to another, but the times was going, and word logistics took more meanings.
In our times logistics means to transport goods from one place to another at the cheapest, fastest or the most economical or ecological way, by the air, water, roads, railway or pipelines as customer needs. The logistics also includes warehousing - where to put goods/materials, for how long to keep them, how to load goods to save the most place, also logistics means routes forwarding - to plan the best route or way of transportation by any type of transport.
I can't imagine a company, which is not using a logistics facilities, because logistics includes lots of areas and exists in every of our lives, for example, which shop I should choose to get cheaper goods, how I should travel there that it would be faster, by bus, by car, or another type of transportation.
In my paper I would like to show a few types of logistics, and dig into them for a little deeper.
From this article, we can see that word logistics means a lot of processes just to meet customers reąuirements.