Tuberculosis Slides
Tuberculosis. Terms Description Types of tuberculosis Symptoms Risk factors Complications Treatment Prevention Conclusion Sources. Contagious Unintentional Pulmonary X – ray Latent Droplets Chills Phlegm Thrive Vaccination. Tuberculosis (TB) - is a contagious infection that usually affects lungs. Types of the disease. Latent TB (inactive. Symptoms. Symptoms of active TB include Coughing that lasts more than 3 weeks Chest pain. Risk factors. HIV Smoking Low body weight Diabetes Severe kidney disease Head and neck cancer. Complications. Problems with the cardiovascular system and metabolic function. Treatment. Treatment for latent TB can vary. Prevention. Vaccination of children. Conclusion. People with weakened immune systems are most likely to develop active TB.
Terms Description Types of tuberculosis Symptoms Risk factors Complications Treatment Prevention Conclusion Sources.
Contagious Unintentional Pulmonary X – ray Latent Droplets Chills Phlegm Thrive Vaccination.
Tuberculosis (TB) - is a contagious infection that usually affects lungs. It can spread to other parts of body. TB spreads through the air in droplets when a person with pulmonary TB coughs, sneezes.
Latent TB (inactive TB infection). In this condition, you have a TB infection, but the germs remain in your body in an inactive state and cause no symptoms. Active TB. This condition makes you sick and in most cases can spread to others.
- Medicine Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 277 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 12 pages (310 words)
- Gymnasium
- Kamilė