Transportation Types, Methods And Their Popularity, Advantages And Disadvantages

Introduction. Air transportation method. Air transportation advantages. Air transportation disadvantages. Rail transportation method. Rail transportation advantages. Rail transportation disadvantages. Marine transportation method. Marine transportation advantages. Marine transportation disadvantages. Road transportation method. Road transportation advantages. Road transportation disadvantages. Multimodal transportation method. Multimodal transportation advantages. Multimodal transportation disadvantages. Conclusion. Sources.
The goal of the paper is to analyze transportation methods (air, rail, sea, road and multimodal) advantages and disadvantages, to know wich one is the most popular or widespread one, and how these transportation modes are described.
Logistics is a field of practical and scientific activity that includes the organization of the movement of various material objects and trade activities. This term includes quite a number of processes, such as: planning, controlling, implementing, organizing, transporting, storing, as well as purchasing raw materials, delivery for production, processing of products, delivery to the consumer of finished products, information transfer and storage.
Today, thanks to logistics, cargo, goods and other material flows are successfully transported. All this benefits not only the manufacturing, logistics companies, but also the consumers themselves. Thanks to the logistics and transportation of goods, you can enjoy products from all over the world, and no matter that these products went a long way.
Air transport is characterized by the speed of delivery. The plane is the fastest vehicle. Air transport does not require special artificial routes other than aerodromes and take-offs. The cargo is transported at the shortest distance from one point to another. The cargo transportation is safe, it does not need to be packed extra. Easy to transport perishable (food, flowers), fragile goods.
Simply put, it is effective to transport high-value, low-weight, small-sized, small-loads, when delivered within a very short time.
The regularity of the shipment is highly dependent on atmospheric.
The small capacity of the airplane is limited by the gauge of the goods being transported, and the relatively small load-carrying capacity is the cargo weight.
The necessary transport chain, as air transport does not provide door-to-door transport services.
Rail transport is a type of land or terrestrial transport. It is characterized by the rapid delivery of cargo over long distances. Railway has almost no effect on the natural conditions and the effects of natural forces. Since rail traction machines have high-power engines, at the same time there can be several dozen wagons with a capacity of about 3 - 4 thousand tons of cargo.
Wagons can carry various types of cargo, from fine bulk materials (sand, crushed stone, coal, grain), liquids - to a variety of bulky goods. At the same time transporting large quantities of goods a relatively small transportation cost per unit of goods is generated.
- Transport Individual works
- Microsoft Word 135 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 15 pages (2516 words)
- College
- Dovilė