The Use Of Articles With Uncountable Nouns: General Info With Abstract Nouns

The use of articles with uncountable nouns General info with abstract nouns. Abstract noun. Abstract Uncountable Nouns. The uncountable form. *When some. *In general uncountable. *The definite article is used when unc. * The indefinite. *Sometimes nouns are used with attribute but still doesnât have an article. *Note 1 A. *Sometimes the use of articles is affected by the syntactic function of the noun. *In some cases the use of the indefinite article is obligatory.
The use of articles with uncountable nouns : General info with abstract nouns.
Abstract noun Countable Uncountable *May be used in singular and plural *Only in the singular(e.g. I did a mistake / I always do mistakes).
*When some of the uncountable nouns are used as predicatives after a formal it as subject (1) or after the exclamatory what (2), they regulary go with indefinite article. 1) It was such a shame to hear it. 2) What a pity!
*The definite article is used when unc.n. are modified by limiting attribute. (e.g. He was in a state of the greatest excitement. ) *Also used with substantivized adj. denoting abstract notions. (e.g. The young are usually intolerant.).
- Languages Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 66 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 11 pages (638 words)
- University
- Martyna