The Role And Importance Of Civil Society Organizations In The Kingdom Of Sweden

The role and importance of civil society organizations in the Kingdom of Sweden. CSO’s in broad sense. Relations between CSO’s and the Swedish government. Relations between Swedish CSO’s and Developing – Countries CSO’s. CSOs and advocacy strategies.
Sweden, like many other successful nations, is currently re-evaluating its national goals, political culture and collective identity. New groups require equal treatment, while others, whose struggles for recognition are older and more unusual, have successfully deployed support for political change. Social-democratic political hegemony has disappeared, while other new political forces are now interpreting the political ideas and methods of the past and the need for a historical perspective. Civil society organizations are found in every possible part of the Swedish society. The development of civil society can be understood as a series of problems and new waves of interpreting the needs of society - and certain social movements and other organizational solutions created to solve these problems. This article analyses the historical context of Swedish civil society, how social movements have played crucial roles in Sweden civil society creation. Also, civil society organizations will be discussed, what forms they are, how they influence government work or other civil society organizations, what relations are between them?
Over the past decade, globalization has created a dramatic changes in the size, scope, and capacity of civil society around the world. Civil society 's roles are very diverse, complex and controversial. For this reason, civil society is regarded to be the one of the main solution to social, economic and political problems and the expansion of democratic governance and economic integration. At its most general level civil society refers to all persons, activities, relations and formal or informal groups that are not part of the government or the market process. (Mattson, 2010). It has many actors, or institutions. Civil society actors can organize or mobilize themselves in a different ways, it depends on the context in which they work, with regard to factors such as geography, history, cultural tradition and political situation. Most of these institutions, fall under the category of civil society organisations (CSOs) it means that group of people operates in the community, in a way that is distinct from both government and business.
In this article there will be 5 sections. In the first one I am giving some overview of historical background of the Sweden civil society organizations, in the second - describing the civil society organizations in general. The third one is for relations among CSO’s and Sweden government, if they are cooperating or no? The fourth one is quite similar and can be considered as the continuation of the third section, it examines relations betweens CSO’s all around the globe. The last one is for survey, it represents in what ways civil society organizations are politically active or in others words how they are using advocacy strategies in order to influence decision makers and policies. Thereafter, there are conclusions summarizing the main ideas of this work. The information was taken from scientific literature, researches, reports and policy projects.