Text Description: The Stuff In Our Lives

About the text: The stuff in our lives.

Here is a story of two sisters Elaine and Susie whose mother Sharon is compulsive hoarder. When viewed from the side girls living a normal life, they enjoy shopping, chatting with friends and watching TV. But them life at home is difficult. Compulsive hoarding can be an extreme condition

and this family has run out of space. The kitchen is impossible

to use, dishes are washed in the shower. Every room is crammed with

stacks of magazines. Susie uses a heap of laundry as a temporary desk. Mums junk has spread out everywhere

has slowly started to clear out their home.

If you want to know some history according to anthropologists, people have been collecting stuff for centuries. Homo sapiens abandoned the nomadic lifestyle when it became difficult to carry things, so they started build permanent homes.

3. Sentimental value' is another reason for not junking things. We cant throw away things that provide nostalgia

  • Lifestyle Description
  • Microsoft Word 11 KB
  • 2022 m.
  • English
  • 2 pages (342 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Greta
  • Text description: The stuff in our lives
    10 - 1 votes
Text description: The stuff in our lives . (May 3, 2022). https://documents.exchange/text-description-the-stuff-in-our-lives/ Reviewed on 16:50, March 6 2025