Telšiai Yeshibot – Rabbinical School

Telšiai Yeshibot – Rabbinical school.
In 1875, in small town - Telšiai there was built one of the largest Rabbinical school in the entire world!
The Rabbinical School was founded by Ichakas Yakov Openheim, Meiras Atlas, Zalman Abel and financially contributing German Jew from Berlin Ovadyah Lakhman. The educational institution flourished when Rabbi Eliezer Gordon became its head between 1884 and 1885. E. Gordon led in yeshibot and was Telšiai's main rabbi until his death in 1910. The so-called "rabbinical seminary" is yeshibot, because of its high quality of teaching and the famous rabbis teachers, became famous all over the world. To study religious subjects, to know Tor and the Talmud, students from all places around the world were chosen to study in Telšiai.