Techniques For An Effective Classroom Management
Techniques for an effective classroom management.
Neff Rose Ann and Mary Ellen Weimer admit, that children are better motivated when they understand clearly the goals set and are involved in the target setting and assessment of results achieved (Rose and Weimer, 2004, 25). Furthermore, authors focus on the teacher role regarding improvements of abovementioned performances. In order to lay the backgrounds for an effective work within the class, teacher should apply modern techniques for a daily mutual discussion touching the topics of the results assessment, improvements to be sought, means to achieve the progress and future goals to be attained. Neff Rose Ann and Mary Ellen Weimer point out, that upon deciding which teaching technique to put into usage, factors like class type (highly/medium/low-motivated, high/medium/low performance, disciplinary level and other characteristics) and the level of grade should be taken into account, while other author proposes an integrated model aiding to start an effective discussion during the lesson (Rose and Weimer, 2004, 26).
The last mentioned author - Peter Frederick - points out that discussion within a class becomes a rough challenge for pupils, “as long as the biggest difficulty on that side is to get pupils talk at all, express what they are thinking about and risk criticism from their fellows” (Frederick, 2000, 71). Thereof modern teacher must devise schemes that would provoke and induce natural discussion. One of the suggested models by Peter Frederick, concentrates on breaking up the silence within the class and talk more openly about class achievements and frustrations (Frederick, 2000, 78). Enhancing the feeling of comfort with each other (amongst pupils) and teacher in this particular model play an important role in the process of goal setting and clear definition of values. Neff Rose Ann and Mary Ellen Weimer in the work “Classroom Communication: Collected Readings for Effective Discussion and Questioning” develop a consistent model that essentially puts emphasis on smooth interaction between pupils and teacher alike (Rose and Weimer, 2004, 31). In the first part, author suggests to put group work into usage in the process of goal evaluation and testing. Firstly, upon facing day-to-day class activities, deciding the value and meaningfulness of current assignments given by a tutor and comparing with goals set would improve pupil planning skills and would raise the impulse to learn a particular subject. Author emphasizes that in order to start off the discussion alike, pairing off pupils and inducing them to collectively mesh given assignment or text with course goals would invite the maximum of reactions. According to Neff Rose Ann and Mary Ellen Weimer, questions like “Why are we reading this text/assignment?” and “Why now?” come in hand as introductory discussion stimulants, but in order to expand the hearings and incorporate the majority of classroom, supporting instruction like “Identify the list of comparisons and contrasts between this text/assignment and another” or question “which one do you like best and why?” may come into usage (Rose and Weimer, 2004, 34). In only ten or fifteen minutes individual insights are most likely to occur, in respect that group work not only aids pupil to feel more comfortable to talk and express themselves but also start off dynamic opinion exchanges being that similar insights and differences naturally provoke mutual interaction.