Sport Plays Essay

Sport plays, essay.

Sport plays an important role in in many people lives. It makes people healthier and it’s a good way of spending free time. Everyone chooses that kind of sport what they like the most. So let's consider what part does it take in our lives and which sport is the best for adult people.

To start with, lets talk about chart now. So, the chart shows us which sport is the best for adult people. It can be seen, that the joggin and gymnastics are the most popular sports, they both are 33 per cents, a bit less is swimming which is 26 per cent and The least popular is cycling which is only 8 per cent.

  • Sports & Fitness Essays
  • Microsoft Word 10 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (423 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Dominyka
  • Sport plays essay
    10 - 3 votes
Sport plays essay. (June 8, 2020). Reviewed on 19:21, March 11 2025