Slides: How To Make A Good Presentation?

How to make a good presentation? X group. Vardas Pavardas| 2017-11. Plan. Structures of slides Body language Tips for presentation Good/Bad presentation examples. Aim. How to prepare a visual presentation well and how to behave during the presentation. Structure. Have a logical. Slides text structure. Use the 6 x 6 rule Limit the number of slides. Body language. Make your gestures. Tips on giving a presentation. Eye contact Structure Right body language. Use interesting facts Do not be monotone. Don’t Be Afraid to Make Mistakes. Understand that mistakes. Bad and good presentation. Conclusion. The most important. Sources. Thank you!
Structures of slides; Body language; Tips for presentation; Good/Bad presentation examples;.
Eye contact; Structure; Right body language; Clothes; Be polite and diplomatic; Be positive; Be confident; .
Use interesting facts; Do not be monotone; Visual aids; Pay attention to audiences; Pace yourself;.
Understand that mistakes are possible Admit them quickly Do not confused Tell joke or ask questions to attract your audience.
The most important thing is to interest the entire audience in your language and presentation. It is also important to stay cool at critical situation.
- Software Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 1269 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 13 pages (297 words)
- College
- Eglė