Šatrijos Ragana Biography And Martynas Mažvydas „Catechism“

Satria ragana Marija pečkauskaitė. Biography. Creation. Context. Martynas Mažvydas "Catechism". Catechism value. The purpose of the Mažvydas preface.
The Ragana of the Šatrija - Marija Pečkauskaitė - writer, pedagogue, charity. Born in Medingenas (Plungė Rayon). The young girl was greatly influenced by the then gymnast Povilas Višinskis: in his language inspired, she became a hot patriotic Lithuanian, democratic. The Witch's Witch in Warsaw has been attending beekeeping courses as a freelance student studied in Switzerland. In Switzerland studied German and French literature, studied sociology, philosophy, aesthetics, theology and pedagogy, participated in the activities of Lithuanian student associations. After returning to Lithuania, he founded a Lithuanian bookstore in Vilnius, later he led the Marijampolė girls' progymnasium. The witch's ward was the first woman in European education to promote cultural and pedagogical ideas in the cultural life of that time. At the start of the First World War, she moved to Židice, where she wrote her most important works: "In the Old Manor", a psychological narrative "Irka Tragedy" and others. Actively collaborated in the press, a lot of value from the Polish language. He died in Zydikas.
- Literature Analysis
- Microsoft Word 16 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 4 pages (1070 words)
- Gymnasium
- Ieva