S. Šalkauskis Gymnasium

Šiauliai. Šiauliai has just celebrated its 778th birthday. Šiauliai. Šiauliai City is. Places near school. Chaimas Frenkelis Villa is functioning as a historical cultural centre. Talkša Lake is situated almost in the heart of the city. St. Apostles Peter and Paul’s Cathedral. Short video about Šiauliai. Šiauliai Stasys Šalkauskis Gymnasium. School history. Some facts. Some figures. Projects. Lessons. Breaks. School is not only lessons, but also extra-curricular activities. Non-traditional lessons. Cultural Events in gymnasium. Paskutinis skambutis. Šimtadienis performance. Christmas concert. Tradiciniai koncertai slaugos namuose. Ugdymo planas.

The 4th largest town situated in the North of Lithuania area – 81km2 Population – 129,000.

In 1938 a two storey building was built and a primary school was resettled from the neighbouring building In 1952 it was reorganized into 7 year school In 1956 it became a secondary school In 1967 a new part was built In 2009 it became a gymnasium.

The school was named after a famous philosopher, pedagogue, public man, professor Stasys Šalkauskis (1886-1941) This year it‘s celebrating 76th birthday.

610 students (aged 15/16 – 18/19) 58 teachers ...subjects to choose from (some of them are compulsory, some – optional).

School is not only lessons, but also extra-curricular activities:.

Sports, music, dance, art, projects, festivals, competitions ....

  • Education Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 7985 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • English
  • 29 pages (547 words)
  • School
  • Urtė
  • S. Šalkauskis gymnasium
    8 - 2 votes
S. Šalkauskis gymnasium. (April 4, 2017). https://documents.exchange/s-salkauskis-gymnasium/ Reviewed on 16:38, March 6 2025