Rudolph And Gabriella Schindler Slides

Rudolph and Gabriella Schindler. Rudolph Schindler. Dr. Rudolph Schindler, father of modern gastroscopy. Biography. Born to an. Gastroenterology. The early application. During his stay. Schindler‘s wife. Schindler’s wife, Gabriella, was vital to his performance. Sources. Gastroenterology 77354~361, 1979 „Rudolf schindler.
Dr. Rudolph Schindler, father of modern gastroscopy, pioneer investigator of gastric pathology, and founder of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy.
Born to an affluent family In 1905 he embarked on a career in medicine at the University of Freiburg He received his Doctorate in Medicine at the age of 22 His career in gastroenterology was launched at the Munich-Schwabing Hospital His accidental discovery of a discarded rigid gastroscope combined beautifully to initiate his life-long interest in gastric disease.
The early application of these interests to a clinical investigation of German war veterans who, because of unexplainable gastric complaints, were labeled psychoneurotics was the first step in a search for better methods of gastric diagnosis In 1921 he invented an improved model of the rigid optical gastroscope Incorporating all of the safety features which his great experience had established to be requisite, this instrument became the prototype for many similar instruments, and still remains an important part of the armamentarium of the gastroscopist.
- People Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 301 KB
- 2020 m.
- English
- 7 pages (358 words)
- University
- Gabrielė