Role Model Angelina Jolie Essay

Role model Angelina Jolie essay.
Angelina was born in Los Angeles, in a family of actors. After her parents devorced, Jolie and her brother lived with mum. As a child, Angelina often watched movies with her mother and she explained this that they inspired her interest in acting. From the early childhood she was very ambitious and talented girl. When she was six years old her mother and stepfather moved the family to new York and only five years later they returned to LA. Jolie had been learning acting for 2 years, when she unfortunately dropped out and decided to be a model.
I admire A.G. not because of her great career in acting and popularity. In spite of all that she is a woman of a kind heart. She helps the world and wants to change it. She visits refugee camps around the world, takes strides to help children in need in developing countries. Angelina is very generous person, she spends a considerable amount of time donating poor and sick people around the world, especially in Africa.
- Film & Television Essays
- Microsoft Word 493 KB
- 2015 m.
- English
- 1 page (201 words)
- School
- Anastasija