Robin Hood Presentation

Robin Hood. J. Walker McSpadden. About the author. J. Walker McSpadden - there is not much information given about this author. The plot. The book about Robin Hood starts when Rob went to archer’s tournament. Bandits pulled Rob and his friends to prison. My favorite episode. My favorite episode. My favorite character. My favorite character is Rob because he is honorable. My feelings about the book. Liked reading this book because it was full of adventures. The quiz. When was the. Vocabulary. Bandit-plešikas Prison-kalėjimas Ambush-pasala Lord-ponas Glanced-pažvelgti Journey-kelionė Gladness-džiaugsmas Woodlands-miškinga vietovė Doffing-nuobodu Addressing-skelbimas. Churchman-kunigo padejėjas Goddess-deivė Bow-lankas Arrow- strėlė Gold-auksas Fellows-draugai Priest-kunigas Roe deer-stirna Soul-siela Knight-riteris.

J. J. Walker McSpadden was born in 1874 and died in 1960. But I have found more books of this author: The book of holidays Operas and musical comedies Famous sculptors of America.

The book about Robin Hood starts when Rob went to archer’s tournament. He travelled from Sherwood to Nottingham. It was worth traveling because Rob won the tournament. He won “The Golden Arrow”. Then he and his friends decided to go home but first they spent one night in Nottingham. Next day they were ready for journey. Rob and his friends started to walk through the Nottingham forest and they got into the ambush. People started jumping around them from the trees. Bandits wanted to steal “The Golden Arrow”.

  • Literature Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 7089 KB
  • 2020 m.
  • English
  • 12 pages (408 words)
  • School
  • Vėjas
  • Robin Hood presentation
    10 - 2 votes
Robin Hood presentation. (October 20, 2020). Reviewed on 16:58, March 6 2025