Revolutionary Methods And Techniques In „Battleship Potemkin” By Sergei Eisenstein

Revolutionary methods and techniques in „Battleship Potemkin” By Sergei Eisenstein.
“Battleship Potemkin” is a design of film that led to becoming a sign for revolution. Many have claimed how this particular work or art attempted to form a “new cinema.” If can we critically look at the film's theme and ideology, narrative structure, filmmaking techniques, and montage, same time paying close attention to the leading ideologies of that time - Communism, Marxism, and Futurism we can certainly justify that Eisenstein indeed founded the start of this “new cinema.”
Another Eisenstein find of the montage technique is the revival of inanimate objects by combining short movie pieces. This technique is seen in the episode of the Odessa Theater`s building barrage. In the background of explosions, there are three consecutive frames of a sleeping, awaken and disturbed lion. The viewer has the impression of a revived granite sculpture - the lion awakens due to the recent unrests and explosions. The film has become a kind of textbook for future generations of filmmakers. Eisenstein was the first to use mirror light reflectors. In a tragic episode with a dead child in the arms of a grieving mother, sunlight, reflected from the mirror, escorts the female protagonist. (Polishchuk)
- Literature Analysis
- Microsoft Word 23 KB
- 2019 m.
- English
- 4 pages (907 words)
- University
- Rapolas