Presentations (86)

3352 documents
Alternative Energy Sources in Lithuania
Alternative energy sources in Lithuania. Tomas J. Windpower. Advantages. Currently the largest portion of energy is generated from fossil fuels such as coal. Renewable energy sources. Why windpower is good? Reduces greenhouse gases and other ...
Environment, 11 pages
2016 10 25
Alternative Port Management Structures and Ownership Models
Alternative Port Management Structures and Ownership Models. Alternative Port Management Structures. and Ownership Models. Overview. Appropriate division of responsibilities between the Public and the Private Sectors. Ports integrated in global ...
Management, 19 pages
2016 03 16
Alyson Noël writer
Alyson Noël. Biography. Born Laguna Beach, California, United States1956 (December 3Laguna Beach,California. Babysitter department store. The fateful step. Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret by Judy Blume. First book. Faking. (March 11) The ...
Literature, 9 pages
2016 03 17
American famous places
American Famous places. Las Vegas Nevada, is the largest center for adult entertainment in the entire world. Orlando, Florida, is the largest center for family entertainment in the entire world. New York City is the largest metropolitan center in ...
Travel, 13 pages
2017 01 30
Amur Leopard
Kingdom Animalia Phylum. The Amur Leopard. Amur leopards differ from other subspecies by a thick coat of spot covered fur. Characteristics. Hermann Schlegel first. Distribution and habitat. Amur leopards are. Ecology and behavior. Threats. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2015 09 16
Analytics Trends
Analytics Tr As the discipline of business analytics matures. Analytics Trends 2016.Six trends. The man-machine dichotomy blurs. As cognitive capabilities advance, where do humans fit into the picture. Humans and machines will find new ways to ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 21 page
2017 03 26
Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy. Andy Goldsworthy  born 26 July 1956 is a British sculptor. Andy Goldsworthy is an artist from Scotland. Who is Andy Goldsworthy? This sculpture is made of wood. This sculpture is made of stones. Shape Lying down on dry earth ...
Art, 9 pages
2017 03 12
Andy Warhol presentation
Andy Warhol. An American artist. Warhol was born. During the 1950s, Warhol gained fame for his whimsical ink drawings of shoe advertisements. It was during. „Marilyn Monroe“ was. Andy Warhol drawings. Warhol worked across a wide range of ...
Art, 10 pages
2017 05 08
Animal Extinction
Animal Extinction. Contents. Endangered animals. Habitat destruction and fragmentation. National and international wildlife trade. Pollution. Over harvesting and other ways of using animals. Facts about endangered species. Animals which are ...
Biology, 20 pages
2016 12 05
Animal Migration
Animal Migration. What is migration? Which animals migrate? Why do animals migrate? Types of Migration. How do animals migrate? How do we know where animals go? Bird Migration. Neotropical migrant birds. Neotropical Migrant Bird Conservation. How ...
Biology, 31 page
2017 04 26
Animals classification
Animals classification. Their structure. The food they eat. According to. Carnivorous. How they are born. Viviparous. Invertebrate. Vertebrate. Invertebrates. Arthropods. Animals with backbones. Mammals. Birds. They are oviparous. Fish. They are ...
Biology, 19 pages
2015 11 26
Animals hunting
Animals hunting. Killing animals is wrong. Why? To you and me this may seem obvious. (b) the animal undergoes mental and physical suffering when hunted. Pain and Suffering. Quick kills are rare, and many animals suffer prolonged. Hunting also ...
Ethics, 11 pages
2016 02 29
Animals migration
Animals migration. For most of the year, red crabs can be found within Christmas Islands' forests. Red crabs migration. Wildebeest migration (I). Not all wildebeest. Wildebeest migration (II). Each year, some East African populations of blue ...
Biology, 11 pages
2016 09 12
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) presentation
Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). Introduction. Antilock braking systems. Operation prnciples of ABS. The skidding and loss of control was caused by the locking of wheels. Pressure Modulation. When the brake. ABS components. Accumulator- An ...
Automotive, 11 pages
2017 01 02
Anti-lock braking system ABS
Anti-lock braking system. (ABS). Anti-lock Braking System (ABS). Early systems. ABS was first. In normal braking, the drum and flywheel should spin at the same speed. By the early. In. Modern systems. Chrysler, together with the Bendix ...
Automotive, 19 pages
2016 01 13
Apple Inc.
Apple Inc. Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs, born in 1955 February 25 in San Francisco. Steve Jobs was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor. Jobs co-founded Apple in 1976 to sell Wozniak's Apple I personal computer. IOS (originally ...
Companies, 8 pages
2017 05 10
Argentina. Area and population. Area. President of Argentina. Mauricio Macri. Language and religion. Language. Argentina’s biggest cities by population. Buenos Aires (3,050,728) Cordoba (1,372,000) Rosario (1,242,000) Mendoza (885,000) San ...
Geography, 12 pages
2017 05 24
Ariana Grande - Butera
Ariana Grande - Butera. Little bit about ariana grande. Grande's music career began with the soundtrack Music from Victorious (2011Grande's second studio album, My Everything (2014), debuted at No. Hot 100 and had the most top 10 singles of any ...
Music, 10 pages
2017 05 22
Aristofans "Jātnieki"
Aristofans "Jātnieki". Aristofans. (apm. 448. /446. g. -385. /380. g. p. m. ē. ). Komēdijas tēma. Tēmas atspoguļojums cita autora tēmā. Komēdijas ideja. Konflikts komēdijā. Telpas raksturojums. Laika raksturojums. Tēlu raksturojums. ...
Culture, 10 pages
2022 05 05
Arms industry
Arms industry. The arms industry, also known as the defense industry or the arms trade. It consists of a. Arms-producing companies, also referred to as arms dealers. Many industrialized countries have a domestic arms-industry to supply their own ...
Military, 20 pages
2016 11 26
Art therapy
Art therapy. History. Art therapy. Art can. Dance therapy. Help to. Music therapy. What does music do for human brain? Who Need to Use Art Therapy? Do you need to be talented? Thank you for your attention. Sources.
Art, 18 pages
2016 11 02
Art, Literacy & Learning
Art, Literacy & Learning. By. What’s so great about art? ? ? Art promotes Hands-On Self-Directed Learning. Art engages Children’s Senses. In Open- Ended Play. Art Experience develops specific skills Cognitive Emotional Social Multi-Sensory. ...
Art, 20 pages
2016 05 24
Artificial intelligence presentation
Artificial intelligence. What is it? Artificial intelligence (AI). Beginning. First mentioned in Greek mythology (Talos of Crete. Goals. Reasoning Knowledge. Uses. Medicine (Hospitals, labs) Industry (Factories) Homes (Household chores) ...
Devices & Hardware, 10 pages
2016 05 04
Aspects of health
Aspects of health. Acupuncture. Points. How does it work? Exercises. Whether you’re trying. Is healthy eating the same as going on a diet? How do you make healthy eating a habit? Kind of work. The effects of smoking on the body. Alcohol. ...
Health & Nutrition, 24 pages
2015 10 27
Atlantic Ocean Current. The Atlantic Ocean Current. The Atlantic Ocean. Atlantic Ocean is the second largest ocean in the world. Atlantic Ocean was the first ocean to be crossed by ship and airplane. Sea and bays. The Atlantic has irregular ...
Environment, 8 pages
2017 05 15
Attractions in Šiauliai
Attractions in siauliai. Hill of crosses. Meanining. The Hill of. Place. The Hill of Crosses is situated in the middle of an arable land. The precise origin of the practice of leaving crosses on the hill is uncertain. Nowadays the Hill of Crosses ...
Travel, 15 pages
2016 04 28
Audronius Ažubalis
Audronius Ažubalis. Born on 17 of January 1958 Vilnius, Lithuania. Biography. Awards.
Law, 5 pages
2016 11 22
Austria. Austria, officially the Republic of Austria. Vienna. Vienna is the. Economy. Austria became a member of the EU on 1 January. Climate. The greater part of Austria lies in the cool/temperate climate zone. Religion. In 2001, about 74% of ...
Geography, 10 pages
2017 05 09
Austrian and Germany FDI
Austrian fdi. German fdi. German top TNCs that operate in Austria. Austrian top TNCs that operate in Germany. ( Foreign direct investment, net inflows (BoP, current US$)). (foreign direct investment, net outflows (BoP, current US$)). Trade (% of ...
Economy & Finance, 14 pages
2017 04 19
Autumn holidays in Scotland
Autumn holidays in Scotland. A. Michaelmas Day - 29th September. St Michael was. St Luke's Day, 18th October. Known also as. Halloween - 31 October. The evening of. Martinmas - 11 November. The last Scottish legal "Quarter Day" when rents and ...
Travel, 10 pages
2017 03 25