Presentations (68)

3352 documents
Presentation about Marketing
Prezentation. Marketing. Made by. What is marketing? Marketing is the study of management of exchange relationships. Marketing research. Information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and problems. History of Marketing. History ...
Marketing, 11 pages
2017 12 08
Presentation of Vilnius
The Regional Economy of Vilnius Region. Vilnius. (lithuania). Location. Gediminas' Tower . Poplation. Lithuania seeks to become an innovation hub by. Vilnius city municipality. Urban. Conclusion. The future of. Thank you for your attention.
Travel, 12 pages
2015 10 01
Railways. Brief story. Pre-Steam. First in the World. First in Europe. Age of steam. Electrification and dieselisation. Railway maintenance. Railway tracks. Maintenance. Flange oilers. Stoneblower . Railways in Lithaunia. Railways in Lithuania. ...
Languages, 35 pages
2015 05 18
Reflexology massage
Reflexology massage. Theory. What will you feel? How is it different from foot massage? Why do people get reflexology? What is a typical reflexology treatment like? How will you feel after? Literature.
Health & Nutrition, 11 pages
2016 01 27
Refugees. The learner will. Define refugee and describe the lifestyle attributes (požymius) of different refugee children. Vocabulary. Flee – pabėgti iš šalies (to flee the country) Well-founded fear – pagrįsta. So. Millions of people ...
Sociology, 10 pages
2016 04 13
Road transport
Road Transport. Trucks. A truck (North. Driving. In the United. In Australia. There is also a heavy vehicle transmission condition for a licence class HR. Cab. The cab is an enclosed space where the driver is seated. There are several possible ...
Transport, 22 pages
2016 04 06
Rural Tourism in Lithuania presentation
Rural Tourism in Lithuania. Lithuania has a beautiful nature. Homesteads in Lithuania. Beautiful lakes. All Seasons is a very different and unique. In rural tourism people can riding on horses. There is quite a wide range of entertainment ...
Travel, 9 pages
2015 05 28
Rūta Meilutytė – lithuania's golden fish
Rūta Meilutytė – the lithuania‘s golden fish. Biography. Meilutytė was born in Kaunas, Lithuania on 19 March. World records. Also Meilutytė has made a few world records. Personal bests. Long course – 50 m. long pool Short course – 25 ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2016 04 17
Rūta sweets company presentation
Introduction. Company history. UAB „Rūta“ stores in lithuania. Institutions that cooperate with UAB „Rūta“. Ouality and food safety policy. UAB ,, rūta“ products. UAB „Rūta“ products according to individual orders. Conclusion. ...
Companies, 11 pages
2017 01 19
Social media Then and now
Social media. Social media is a daily habit for most. Then and now. Kotryna Skeberaite. Social media is. According to Activate. Chris Snider Design blog. Today Facebook. Facebook’s most recent. Snapchat has become so successful because of how ...
Social Media, 12 pages
2017 02 20
Steve Jobs
Steven paul “Steve“ jobs (1955 – 2011). Steve Jobs was an American information technology entrepreneur and inventor. Summary of Jobs‘ life. Jobs' countercultural lifestyle. 1972 –. In 1973, Steve Wozniak designed his own version of the ...
Technology, 13 pages
2016 03 21
Stress and coping
Question what is “Stress”? Categorizing stressors. The High Cost of Stress. The general adaptation syndrome model the course of stress. Coping with stress. Main categories. Learned helplessness. Coping styles the hardy personality. Social ...
Psichology, 22 pages
2017 12 08
Styles and methonds on decision making
Styles and methods of decision making. By Akvile Liepaite PA-2gr. Decision making can. The question then is ‘how is a good decision made’? Decision making typically follows a six-step process. Decision making styles. Strategic. Programmed ...
Management, 10 pages
2016 02 17
Success story
Success story. Walt Disney. What is it that made Mr Disney and his company so famous? Born in Chicago in. He with his brother went to hollywood. Charles B. Mintz absorbed his idea. Creating a new cartoon - Mickey Mouse. Snow White and seven ...
Self Improvement, 12 pages
2017 02 26
The 6th of July - Lithuanian national festival
The 6th of July - Lithuanian national festival. The first and. Lithuanian King Mindaugas united Lithuanians and made one nation. A solemn ceremony of raising the flags. The parade of Lithuanian military. Volleys of shots for Lithuania and its ...
Etnology, 20 pages
2015 11 26
The business etiquette of India
The business etiquette of India. By Gabriele Miceikaite, SPV. Content. Meeting and Greeting Business cards Building Relationships Meetings Punctuality Topics of Conversations Dress code. Meeting and Greeting. When doing business in India, meeting ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 17 pages
2015 10 20
Tiger. Tigers. Tigers are the largest felines in the world. Tigers live in Asia. Larger subspecies tend to live in northern. Tigers prey. All tigers are carnivores. Most of a tiger's eats large prey. Interesting facts about tigers. Tigers like to ...
Biology, 9 pages
2016 01 16
Traditional and modern banking
Presentation. Traditional and modern banking. By Ieva Valutkevičiūtė. Content Traditional banking Advantages Disadvantages Modern banking Modern banking services Advantages Disadvantages. Introduction. The term ‘‘banking’’ can be ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2015 10 15
Types of Business Entity in Lithuania. Aim and objectives. Types. Limited Company. UAB „Kauno vandenys“. Public Limited Company. AB seb bankas.  non-profit organization. VšĮ Kauno klinikinė ligoninė. Personal enterprise. Individuali ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 17 pages
2016 11 15
Vilnius airport
Vilnius national airport. Introduction. Vilnius airport. History. Members of the Board of the State Enterprise Vilnius International Airport. Vision and mission of VIA. EU support. Thank you for your attention.
Transport, 12 pages
2016 03 05
Vilnius presentation
Vilnius. Vilnius - Lithuanian capital and largest city in the country. Vilnius will be given the name of the Vilnia River flowing through the city. Famous city location. Gediminas' Tower. Gediminas' Tower is the remaining part of the Upper Castle ...
Geography, 16 pages
2017 03 12
Voyage data recorders and Public address system
Voyage data recorders and Public address system. Prepared by student Artiom Uryvkov. Voyage Data Recorder on a Ship . Just like in. What is voyage data recorder? A vdr or. A ship’s VDR. Data items that must be record by VDR. Date and time ...
Transport, 11 pages
2016 12 15
What other jobs robots do in the future?
What other jobs will robots do in the future? A robot is. Short history about robot. Robots and human emotions. The jobs we will see machines taking over first. Thank you for your attention!
Technology, 8 pages
2017 01 21
Windows 8 presentation
Content. What is windows. Windows 8 is a personal computer operating system developed by Microsoft as part of the Windows NT family of operating systems. Top 5 windows 8 features. Speedy Boot Time Innovative. Sales. Microsoft says that. ...
Software, 11 pages
2016 11 01
Winston Churchill
Winston Churchill. „We make a living by what we get. Childhood and growing up. Winston Churchill was born in 1874 at Blenheim Palace and was of rich. Churchill attended the Royal Military College and joined the British cavalry. From military to ...
Culture, 6 pages
2015 06 02
World wide health care problems
World wide health care problems. Gerda Černiauskytė 3k. Health care problem. Healthcare is one of the top social and economic problems facing world today. Widely spread diseases. Malaria - is a infectious disease of humans and other animals ...
Health & Nutrition, 6 pages
2015 05 27
Xenon lights
Xenon lights. What is xenon lamp? Automotive headlamps. Xenon light advantages. Bright light. Xenon light advantages. Xenon's Improved Safety. Xenon light advantages. Xenon's Longer Life. Xenon light disadvantages. Some photos of xenon lights. ...
Automotive, 10 pages
2016 01 17
Zarasai city
Zarasai city history. Zarasai – located in the North-eastern part of the Republic of Lithuania. Zarasai city today. Today Zarasai is. Most beautiful destinations in zarasai. Stelmužės oak- it is one of the most beautiful places in Zarasai. ...
Geography, 11 pages
2015 05 08
About company Samsung
Content. About company Samsung History Activities Products. About company Samsung. This is South Korea company producing mobile phones. History. Samsung was founded. In 2005 Samsung. Samsung logo. First logo was developed in the year. Nd logo ...
Companies, 13 pages
2016 01 10
Agriculture Cultivation
Key words. Cultivation- auginimas Enhace- pagerinti. What agriculture means? It is the. History. The history of agriculture dates back thousands of years. Emerging agricultural technologies. Agriculture is changing, and the pace of change is ...
Agriculture, 12 pages
2016 08 23