Presentations (53)

3352 documents
Types of art
The strangest types of art. Avant-garde. The reasons for the emergence of strange art. Avant-Garde Fashion. Viruses made of glass. Human flowers. Faceless art. Tin foil art. Feather art. ‘It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what ...
Art, 10 pages
2021 01 31
Types of dementia and how to treat
Types of dementia and how to treat. What is dementia and why i chose this topic? Will talk about alzheimer‘s disease and dementia with lewy body. Alzheimer‘s disease. How this disease occurred? Signs and symptoms. Toxic changes in the brain ...
Biology, 22 pages
2022 05 29
Types of Insulation presentation
Insulation in housing. Vocabulary. So what is insulation? Benefits of insulation. Types of insulation. Fiberglass insulation. Mineral wool insulation. Cellulose Loose-Fill insulation. Rigid Foam. Concrete blocks. Structural Insulated Panels. ...
Engineering, 23 pages
2022 05 07
Types of military ships
Types of military ships. Lithuanian Navy. Lithuanian Navy has 11 ships and they are devided in 3 groups. Patrol combatant. Combatants whose mission. Minesweeper. This type of ships, detects and removes mines. Service type craft. Navy-subordinated ...
Transport, 20 pages
2018 01 09
Types of Viking ships
Types of Viking ships. Warships - Longships. Karvi Snekkja Skeid Busse Drakkar. Karvi. The Karvi class. Snekkja. The Snekkja class. Skeid. The Skeid class longship was a large Viking warship. Dragonships were large. Heavy Freight-Carrying ...
History, 14 pages
2021 03 01
UAB „Gelna“ presentation
„Gelna“ presenation. Content. What is the. What is the UAB „Gelna“? UAB “Gelna” - since 1998 operating company providing logistics services organizing freight forwarding orders. Development of the company. - start of activities 2001 - ...
Logistics, 10 pages
2020 10 14
Umweltprobleme - Der klimawander
Umweltprobleme - Der klimawander. Der Klimawandel ist. Die gründe. CO2 Gas Landwirtschaft Sonnenstrahlung Menschliche Aktivität Die Abgase Die Luftverschmutzung Wasserverschmutzung. Die folgen. Schneller Anstieg des Wasserspiegels ...
Environment, 7 pages
2020 12 21
Understanding drug and Alcohol Abuse and Addiction
UnderstandingDrugand Alcohol Abuse and Addiction. SubstanceUse, Abuse,and Addiction. History. “Modern” Era. Societaland Healthcare Costs of Substance Abuse. Past Year Prevalence Rates of Substance Use in the General Population. Lifetime ...
Biology, 33 pages
2020 04 02
Underwater drones
Underwater. Drones. Underwater drones allow. Trident. Enables you to experience the underwater world in a completely new way. IBubble. The iBubble underwater drone is the first hands-free underwater drone of its kind. IBubble dives to 60 m and ...
Technology, 8 pages
2018 10 04
Unicef organisation slides
Unicef. Purpose of this organisation. Established 1946 December. Missions. To protect children. Source of income. Accomplishments. - USA and Canada finally agreed on financially supporting Unicef. Unicef in Lithuania. Unicef Lithuania is one out ...
Sociology, 9 pages
2020 06 07
United Arab Emirates slides
United ArAB Emirates. Landscape. Climate. Tourism. Burj Al Khalifa. Abu-Dhabi. Palm Island. Foods of the U. A. E. Sharjah Arts Museum. Abdul Quader Al Rais. Ibn Battuta Mall. Football. Cricket. Tennis. Camel Racing. Motor Sports. Thank Your For ...
Geography, 18 pages
2019 10 31
United Nations presentation
United Nations. Content. What is United. The United Nations (UN) is an intergovernmental organization that aims to maintain international peace and security. According 2015 data United Nations have got 193 members. Inside United Nations. ...
Politics, 9 pages
2021 01 10
University of applied sciences VIKO in Lithuania
Viko. Facts and Figures. Faculties at Viko. Faculty of pedagogics. Study programmes taught in each faculty. Faculty of Economics. Faculty of Business Management. Faculty of Health Care. Faculty of Agrotechnologies. Faculty of Pedagogics. Faculty ...
Education, 19 pages
2020 06 08
University of Cambridge presentation
University of Cambridge. Goals. General information. The coat of arms and flag. Famous alumni of Cambridge university. How many students does the university have? Libraries and books. Education. Faculties, schools and departments. Schools. Other ...
Education, 19 pages
2018 03 17
Unser Tag, unsere Freizeit
Fachhochschule Vilnius. FakultÄt fÜR geschÄftsmanagement. Unser tag, unsere freizeit. VA15 Studentinnen o Studiengang Büroverwaltung Lehrerin Violeta Žemaitienė. Unser tag. Aufstehen0800 aufstehen. Unser hobbys. Fahrrad fahren fotografieren ...
Languages, 8 pages
2018 10 04
Urinary tract infection in children
Urinary tract infection in children. Urinary tract infection. Introduction. Background. Microbiology. Classification. Classification according to site. Classification according to episode. Classification according to symptoms. Classification ...
Medicine, 87 pages
2021 02 13
Usain Bolt project
Usain Bolt. He was born 1986,august 25 in Jamaica. His activity. He is a world champion. He runs 100m,200m,300meters. World records. It is the. Won. At the Olympics. Accident. Bolt started the season competing over 400 metres in order to improve ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2019 06 08
Use of chemicals and their impact on the environment presentation
Use of chemicals and their impact on the environment. International initiatives. Exxon valdex oil spill. Alaska. The three mile island nuclear disaster. Pennsylvania. Deepwater horizon oil spill. Gulf of mexico. Seveso chemical disaster. Italy. ...
Environment, 18 pages
2019 03 25
Uses of Fermentation slides
Uses of Fermentation. What is fermentation? Fermentation is a metabolic process that produces chemical changes in organic substrates through the action of enzymes. Yogurt. Yogurt is made. Alcoholic Beverages. Alcoholic beverages are. ...
Chemistry, 9 pages
2019 03 25
Vaccination slides
Vaccination. Contents. Vocabulary. Vaccine types. Measles - A highly contagious lung infection. Whooping cough. Flu - A viral infection of the nose, lungs, and throat. Polio - a. Pneumococcal Disease - a bacterial disease that can cause many ...
Medicine, 27 pages
2019 10 27
Vandalism. Action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property. Motives. Anger, envy ,spontaneous Opportunistic vandalism Gang graffiti  Political ideologies. Vandalism types. Six different types. Crime vandalism. ...
Art, 14 pages
2018 04 03
Varied Application of P2P Technology presentation
Varied Application of P2P Technology from Torrents to Skype. P2P technology. No central servers required. Resource usage is distributed evenly. Torrent. Protocol created for. Freenet. “So long as everything we see and hear is filtered. Omegle. ...
Technology, 10 pages
2019 03 17
Vatican Museums presentation
Vatican Museums. Founded by Pope. This vast. On the inside are three courtyards the Cortile della Pigna. The Vatican Museums. A collection of Modern Religious Art was added to the Museums in. Highlights include the spectacular collection of ...
Religion & Spirituality, 14 pages
2020 04 04
Veganism presentation
Veganism. Veganism – elimination of the use of animal products. How does it differ from vegetarianism? Why do people go vegan? For the animals For their own health For the environment. What do vegans eat? Veganism benefits. The drawbacks of a ...
Food, 10 pages
2019 06 04
Vehicle brake systems
Vehicle brake systems. Introduction. What is brake? Working of brake. Different components of braking system. Master cylinder. Combination valve. Classification of brakes on different basis. Mechanical brake. Hydraulic brake. Electric brake. ...
Transport, 26 pages
2021 03 16
Venture capital
Venture capital. History of Venture Capital. Structure. Why do you need venture capital? Venture capital in Lithuania. Bonds. Securities and bonds. Selling. Chart. Bonds issued by national governments. Types of bonds.
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Vichy cosmetics
Vichy Cosmetics. Content. Brand history Skin care products Favourite product Chemical composition Summarizing. The story behind Vichy Skin Care. Vichy Skin Care was created in 1931 by Dr. Vichy skin care products. The secret ingredient is ...
Beauty & Makeup, 9 pages
2020 11 30
Video Game Designer
Video Game Designer. A video game. Plots and storylines Characters Maps. Testers Lead designers game mechanics designer environmental designer. How to Become a Video Game Designer. Employers and clients look for people with formal education as ...
Software, 10 pages
2017 12 19
Video gaming presentation
Video gaming. Introduction. Video gaming definition Video gaming effects on people Video gaming industry and esports. Video gaming definition. A video game. Negative effects of video gaming. Increased aggression Antisocial behaviour Video. ...
Software, 11 pages
2021 05 07
Vienna city presentation
Vienna. General information. State Flag of Vienna. State Coat of Arms. Is the capital of Austria, on the River Danube. Include engineering Electrical goods Electronics Clothing Musical instruments Beer. Industries. In 15 BC, Vienna became a Roman ...
Geography, 15 pages
2018 03 22