Presentations (38)

3352 documents
Presentation about Maple and spruce
Maple and Spruce. Maple. Acer is a genus of trees or shrubs commonly known as maple. Virtues. Suitable for planting. Yellow and black paints are used to paint woolen carpets from the leaves. Defects. Maple syrup has. Uses. Some species of. ...
Agriculture, 12 pages
2019 04 04
Presentation about Marie Curie
Maria Sklodowska (Marie Curie). Content. Early age New life in France New elements Husband Inventions and achievements Death. Early age. Born in. In school. Chemistry and Biology Opportunities were limited Was judged. New life in Paris. Extremely ...
People, 11 pages
2020 01 21
Presentation about Michael Jackson slides
Michael Joseph Jackson. Biography. Michael Joseph Jackson was born August. Music and creativity. His music videos, including those for "Beat It". Popular songs. Https//youtu. Be/r-UXNmCg3Sw ,,Beat It“ https//youtu. Be/1iX0dkRhj7g ,,Billie ...
Music, 7 pages
2020 02 07
Presentation about Money
Money. You need to. Parents should teach children how to use money when child is young. One of the. Know a. Macaulay Culkin became. So money is not bad if you use it wisely. Thank you for attention.
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2019 03 24
Presentation about My summer
Summer. Favorite season. The 10 Best Things About Summer. Why is summer season important? Some Fun Summer Activities. Summer sports. Summer dangers. How to cool down your room. Protect your self from sun.
Lifestyle, 10 pages
2020 01 20
Presentation about novelist, painter, poet Christy Brown
Christy Brown. Content. Biography Disability Achievements Sources. Biography. Christy Brown was. He went to St. Brendan's School-Clinic On October. Disability. Christy Brown was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at birth. Achievements. My Left Foot ...
Art, 9 pages
2019 04 18
Presentation about Oil spills
Oil spils. What is an oil spill? An oil spill. Oil spills may be due to releases of crude oil from tankers. Cleanup and recovery. Cleanup and recovery from an oil spill is difficult and depends upon many factors. Types Of Oil Spills Clean-Up ...
Ecology, 11 pages
2022 06 20
Presentation about Painting
Painting. Description. Painting, the expression of ideas and emotions. Materials. For painting we use acrylic paints paintbrushes painting surface - canvas. Famous artists. Vincent van Gogh Pablo Picasso Leonardo da Vinci. Short biography ...
Art, 12 pages
2022 05 29
Presentation about Participle
Participle. What is participle? A word formed. Present participle. In English, all present participles end in -ing. Past participles. The past participle is often used when we want to express a passive action. Perfect participle. The perfect ...
Languages, 12 pages
2019 04 18
Presentation about pizza
Pizza. Pizza is a. The classic Italian pizza dough is made from special durum wheat flour. The thickness of the classic pizza dough is about 3-4 millimeters. Depending on the. Thanks for attention.
Food, 9 pages
2022 02 06
Presentation about Pollution in Asia
Pollution in Asia. Pollution- people of substances, preparations, organisms and their mixtures of emissions and their effects. Most polluted countries in Asia. Pakistan Bangladesh India Nepal China. Air Pollution In Asia. Air pollution begins ...
Environment, 13 pages
2019 03 04
Presentation about Portugal
Project on the topic Portugal. Portugal map. The Capital – Lisbon. Trams in Lisbon. Coimbra – city in Portugal. Language of Portugal. Words in Portuguese. Portuguese music. Portuguese guitar. Fado queen – Amalia Rodrigues. Interesting facts ...
Geography, 17 pages
2019 03 04
Presentation about Rainforests
Rainforests. Content. What is a rainforest? Where do they grow? Why are they important? Plants Animals. It’s a very. Thay exist along the equator throughout South Central America. Thay are home to 50% of the Earth’s animals and plants. Bamboo ...
Geography, 16 pages
2019 02 12
Presentation about Religious extremism
Religious extremism. Outline. What is religious extermism? Charasteristics of people who turn into extremists. Impacts of religious extremism. Examples of religious extremism. Solutions for religious extremism. Conslusion. Thanks for your ...
Religion & Spirituality, 13 pages
2019 04 03
Presentation about Spain: What is Spain?
Spain (EspañaWhat is Spain? Officially the Kingdom of Spain. Geography. Located in the. Flag of Spain. The flag of Spain (Spanish Bandera de EspañaLanguage. Spanish is the official language of spain. History. The Kingdom of Spain, as it’s ...
Geography, 12 pages
2019 02 28
Presentation about Stalin
Stalin. Vocabulary. Personal facts. Background. Biografijos faktai. Stalin‘s family. Death and funeral. Mirtis ir laidotuvės. Political activity. Rise to power. Atėjimas į valdžią. Under Stalin‘s leadership. Stalinui valdant. Influence ...
History, 28 pages
2019 03 29
Presentation about studying abroad
Studying abroad. Student. Introduction. The phrase study. Top 5 reasons to study abroad. Make. Learn a new language the four factors reading. Career opportunities a new perspective on culture. Take in. EDUCATION By enrolling in a study abroad ...
Education, 10 pages
2019 06 17
Presentation about Telia company
Project task Technology company. Telia. Z. History. The Swedish Kungl. Telegrafverket (literally Royal Telegraph Agency) was founded in. Countries of operations. Telia Company AB (formerly TeliaSonera) is a Swedish dominant telephone ...
Companies, 7 pages
2019 04 10
Presentation about The red cross
The Red Cross. The international red. Purpose. The ICRC is based in Geneva, Switzerland and was founded in. Formation 17 February 1863 154 years ago Type Private humanitarian organization Headquarters Geneva. Mission. The core tasks. What they ...
Medicine, 8 pages
2019 02 12
Presentation about The rolling stones
The Rolling Stones. London England. Blues Psychadelia Rock and roll R&B Country Folk Reggae Dance. Mid-1960s - psychedelic album First concert – July 12th. Released 30 studio albums. Grammy awards. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Music, 10 pages
2019 03 17
Presentation about Theatre
Theatre. What is theatre? Theatre genres. Theatre takes different forms, some of which are independent disciplines. Musical theatre. U. S. Theatre industry outlook. Collaborators. Theatre in Lithuania. Why theatre is still alive? On a online. ...
Film & Television, 12 pages
2019 03 19
Presentation about Tomorrowland festival
Tomorrowland festival. History. The first edition of the festival took place on 14 August. Participants. David Guetta Alan Walker Dynoro Martin. TomorrowWorld. Active years 2013-2015 Location Chattahoochee Hills, Georgia Dates Final weekend of ...
Culture, 10 pages
2020 02 10
Presentation about Tornadoes
Tornadoes. What is a tornado? How do they form? What happens after a tornado? Few pictures of tornado's damage. How to survive through the tornado. My thoughts. Thanks for you're attention!
Geography, 8 pages
2019 03 04
Presentation about Types of advertising
Advertising. Advertising is the. Functions of Advertising. To identify products and differentiate them from others. To build brand awareness, preference and loyalty. Types of advertising. Product advertising Nonpersonal selling of a particular. ...
Marketing, 18 pages
2019 03 19
Presentation about Unusual Hotel
Unusual hotel. Orange County Resort Kemer (TurkeyThe hotel styled on Amsterdam’s 16th-century architecture. The Orange County. At an entrance. Show cooking, organic Dutch cuisine and Ottoman delicacies are part of the dining offer. In the ...
Travel, 12 pages
2020 01 29
Presentation about virtual marketing and the Internet
Marketing Virtual marketing and The Intertent. Virtual marketing. What it is? Why Choose Virtual Marketing? How is Virtual Marketing Used? Targeted to young people? How Virtual Marketing is grown? An example of Ad’s on internet. Definitions.
Marketing, 12 pages
2020 01 09
Presentation about Volcanoes
Volcanoes. What is a volcano? Where do volcanoes occur? Ring of fire. What determines how explosive an eruption is? Magma Composition. Basaltic. Examples. Magma Composition. Granitic Lava. Magma Composition. Andesitic Lava. Basic Volcano shapes. ...
Geography, 29 pages
2022 03 31
Presentation about Volkswagen
Volkswagen. Volkswagen startete 1937 Mai. Berlin, Deutschland. Die Autoproduktion von Volkswagen begann Adolf Hitler zu treffen. Volkswagen produziert. Volkswagen Golf7 2004 und 2013 wurden als litauisches Jahresauto gewählt. Volkswagen ...
Transport, 9 pages
2019 03 03
Presentation about Volunteering
Volunteering. Content. The meaning of volunteering Types of volunteering Why volunteering is important. The meaning of volunteering. Volunteering is the most serious and truest work. Types of volunteering. Volunteering to work with animals ...
Sociology, 8 pages
2019 01 14
Presentation about Waste management
Waste management. History. Waste handling and transportation. Landfill. Advantages of landfills. Landfill impact to earth. Increased amount of garbage created pacific ocean huge garbage patchin less than 10 years. In less developed. Landfill gas. ...
Environment, 22 pages
2019 01 29