Presentations (37)

3352 documents
Presentation about Dream Job: Doctor
Dream jobs. Doctor. The doctor - a person with medical training. Doctor working in hospital. The doctor has to wear a special uniform - white coat. The doctor must be responsible, hard-working, smart, learning to communicate. A doctor should be ...
Biology, 14 pages
2020 02 04
Presentation about Driverless cars
Driverless cars. Autonomous Vehicles. Vehicle that get from one point to another point without human interaction. History. Experiments have been started on automating cars since. Google self-driving car project began at. The Technology of the ...
Transport, 10 pages
2019 03 04
Presentation about Drones technology
Drones technology. Technologies. Today, technologies ar very important for our lives. Drones. Drone (unmanned aerial vehicle, UAVA drone, in technological terms, is an unmanned aircraft. Advantages. Drones can give media acces to hard – to – ...
Technology, 9 pages
2019 01 30
Presentation about Dubstep music
Dubstep. Content. Little bit about. Little bit about dubstep. Dubstep is type of elechtronic music that is created by compiuter. History. Dubstep originaly came. Beast Youtube chanels for music promoting. These people just. Beast elechtoric music ...
Music, 8 pages
2019 01 25
Presentation about Earthquake
Earthquake. What are they  Causes Examples. Shaking of ther surface Size weak – violent Manifest by Shaking Displacement of the ground. ,000 per year Trigger Landslides Volcanic activity Tsunami. Causes. Movement of the. Shaanxi. Devastating ...
Geography, 10 pages
2019 03 17
Presentation about echoscope
Scientific article about echoscope. What is the ultrasound? Ultrasound machine. Echoscope history. Development of ultrasound diagnostics in Lithuania. Diagnostic UG Device Research Techniques. Areas of use. Wave velocity in various tissues. The ...
Medicine, 19 pages
2018 12 04
Presentation about Electric vehicle
Electric vehicle.Introduction. Electric cars (EVsElectric Vehicle Types. Battery Electric Vehicle Hybrid Electric Vehicle Extended Range Electric Vehicle. The Benefits of Driving Electric. Fact Driving electric can. Electric Vehicles Have A Few ...
Transport, 8 pages
2019 01 09
Presentation about European Parliament
The European Parliament. Vocabulary. What is the european parliament? Kas yra Europos parlamentas? Legislation in the European Parliament. Teisėkūra Europos Parlamente. Budgetary work in the EP. Biudžetinis darbas Europos Parlamente. ...
Politics, 25 pages
2019 03 29
Presentation about Fire fighting Equipment
Fire Fighting Equipment. Maritime English Vocabulary Practice. Fire fighting equipment classification. Fire main and foam systems. Drenching system. Sprinkler system. Hi fog (water mist) system. Fire extinguishers. Extinguishing agents. ...
Engineering, 17 pages
2019 04 05
Presentation about Flu and cold
Flu and cold. Flu. Flu - is. Symptoms. Muscle pain Fever Loss of appetite Sore throat Eye redness Headaches Cold Aching bones. The incubation period can last from 2 to 5 days. The Flue spreads fast, affecting lots of people in the short period of ...
Medicine, 15 pages
2019 03 28
Presentation about Future tenses
Future tenses. Future Simple. +   Will + V  -   Will not (won't) + V. Examples   I’ll prepare dinner. Words using whit Future Simple Tomorrow. Future Continous. +  Will be + Ving  -  Will not be + Ving. Examples  I will be. Words ...
Languages, 10 pages
2020 01 21
Presentation about Gediminas castle
Gediminas castle. Where it is? Gediminas castle is in Vilnius old town. Its history. The first wooden fortifications were built by Gediminas, Grand Duke of Lithuania. Before After. Why it is important? Gediminas castle is. A description of it. ...
Travel, 11 pages
2020 02 18
Presentation about Geodesy science
The science of geodesy. The purpose and tasks of the work. The purpose Present the. What is geodesy? Also known as geodetics, geodetic engineering  — a branch of applied mathematic  and earth sciences. Geodesy tools. In geodesy you must ...
Geology, 13 pages
2019 01 09
Presentation about Globalization good or bad?
Globalisation good or bad? Globalization. Globalization form. Economic globalization. Cultural globalization. Political globalization. Other dimensions of globalization. Measuring globalization. Globalization is Good! Advantages of globalization. ...
Politics, 18 pages
2019 03 25
Presentation about Great Britain: What we know about great Britain?
„What we know about great britain “. Did you know that? “England“ = “Great Britain” = “The United Kingdom” =? “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”. Wales. Scotland. Great Britain Wales Scotland England. ...
Geography, 9 pages
2020 01 15
Presentation about Hairdresser profession
Hairdresser.  hairdresser is a person. Activities at work. Consultation. Washing hair. Cutting and styling. Colouring hair. Hours of work. Most hairdressers are based. Pay. Once you’ve bagged your Level 2 you can start earning between £9k ...
Beauty & Makeup, 10 pages
2019 03 25
Presentation about Hemp seed oil
Hemp seed oil. Polytechnic institute of beja. Food science and technology. Olive oil and vegetable oil technology. Beja. Cannabis has been. Introduction. Hemp is a. Hemp growing. Hemp is dioecious, meaning plants can be male or female. Soil Hemp ...
Biology, 41 page
2019 04 13
Presentation about How music affects your brain
Music affects your brain. Vocabulary. Neuromusicology - scientific study of the effects of music on the brain. Music plays an important role in our lives. Dopamine – a hormone of happiness. Higher dopamine levels improve concentration, boost ...
Music, 13 pages
2019 05 14
Presentation about Human rights
Contents. Human rights. Fundamental human rights. Documents, saying that people are equal and have natural rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The international Day of the Elimination of Racial Discrimination. UNITED of ...
Law, 11 pages
2019 03 02
Presentation about Indian culture
Indian culture. Wedding rituals Cuisine Art forms. Wedding rituals. Joint family system Head. Arranged marriage. Average age increased to 21 Traditionally - dowry to bridegroom 1956 - family estates. Love marriage. Self-arranged Increasing - ...
Culture, 14 pages
2019 03 17
Presentation about Informal and semi-formal letters
Informal and semi-formal letter structures. Informal letter. An informal letter is used when writing to a friend or acquaintance. Address and date. Right hand corner After you have written the address. Salutation. The most common. Body. Opening ...
Languages, 17 pages
2019 03 04
Presentation about Insomnia
Insomnia. Content. Introduction Theoretical background Aim of research Method of research Respondents Findings Conclusions Suggestions References. What is Insomnia? It’s a common. Impact of insomnia. Attention lapses Slow reaction. Theoretical ...
Medicine, 15 pages
2019 02 25
Presentation about Insurance
Contents. What is insurance? Activities. History. Headquarters. Management structure. Employees. Divisions. Sales. Swot analysis. Prospects for the future. Prospects for good career. Conclusions. Thank You For Your Time! Are there any ...
Economy & Finance, 16 pages
2019 04 06
Presentation about Internet usage
Internet usage. How much time do you spend on the Internet every day? How much time do you spend on doing your homework every day. Do you use the Internet for. ? Do you have Facebook? Do you have less than 100 virtual friends? Do you search the ...
Internet, 13 pages
2020 01 27
Presentation about Inventions: Jeans
Inventions. Jeans. Data 2019, 20 February. Jeans are a type. About Jacob W. Davis. (the inventor). Jacob W. The birth of jeans.  They were invented in 1873 and a worn still but in a different context. One day. Facts about jeans. First name for ...
Design, 9 pages
2019 03 20
Presentation about Jungle
Jungle. In the jungles is very hot and wet. There are a lot of plants, insects and animals. Some trees are very tall. Some trees are short. In the jungle live so many animals. They are very angry. There are poisonous snakes. There are spiders who ...
Geography, 9 pages
2019 03 28
Presentation about Leadership
Leadership. Qualities. Leaders in our life. Contents. Defination. What Makes A Great Leader? Leadership Qualities Of Great Leaders. Courage. Integrity. The core of integrity is truthfulness. Humility. Great leaders are those who are strong and ...
Leadership, 15 pages
2019 04 25
Presentation about Life Saving Equipment
Life Saving Equipment. Maritime English Vocabulary Practice. Life-saving appliances. Lifeboats. Life rafts. Davits. Smcp. Lifebuoys. Lifejackets. Life raft inflation. Buoyant smoke signal (orangeImmersion (survival) suit. Thermal protective aid ...
Engineering, 23 pages
2019 04 05
Presentation about logistics
Logistics. What is Logistics? Definition of Logistics Seven “Rs”. Logistics Objectives. Logistics Includes. Order Processing. Informalion flow. Warehousing. Inventory control. Packing. Transportation. Classification of inventories. Raw ...
Logistics, 17 pages
2018 10 04
Presentation about logistics company Delamode Baltics
Goals Acquisition of practical skills in a logistics company. About company. Delamode Baltics, a division of Xpediator Plc Group. Delamode Baltics. Mission. Key Statistics. Employees 58%. Value. The Group’s core values define how they treat ...
Logistics, 12 pages
2019 05 14