Presentations (36)
Air pollution. Content. Air pollution explanation What causes air pollution. Air pollution explanation. Air pollution – harmful substances released into Earth's atmosphere. What causes air pollution? Industries Vehicle emissions Deforestation. ...
Environment, 12 pages
2019 04 18
Albert Camus. The smiling Sisyphus. Significant Events. The Myth of Sisyphus. Themes of Albert Camus. The Absurd. Revolt. The Outsider. Guilt and Christianity. Innocence vs. Paganism. Individual vs. History and Mass Culture. SuicideDeath Penalty. ...
Literature, 15 pages
2020 02 14
Introduction to The Stranger. By Albert Camus. Albert Camus – Background. (1913-1960). Born in Algiers Father. Where is Algeria? Background continued. Married at. Camus turned to. Followed numerous other novels Camus received the Nobel Prize ...
Literature, 10 pages
2020 02 14
Alcohol consumption. What is Alcohol? What is alcohol? Ethyl alcohol, or ethanol, is an intoxicating ingredient found in wine. People start drinking alcohol for this 10 reasons. For. To. Because. Alcohol React. Why do some people react ...
Medicine, 13 pages
2019 01 06
Animal communication. Content. What is animal communication Forms of animal communication Functions of animal communication. Communication—when we're talking. Forms of animal communication. Pheromones — chemicals Auditory cues — sounds ...
Biology, 16 pages
2019 03 19
Antarctica. Location. Antarctica is Earth`s southernamost continet. Climate. Antarctica has coldest. Animals. The five penguin species you might see in Antarctica. Adelie. Chinstrap. Emperor. Macaroni. King. Antarctic Pearlwort. The Antarctic ...
Geography, 13 pages
2019 03 06
Art. Fool Me Once. It catches your attention. You can not predict the ending. The Greatest Showman. Film is easy. Unlearned lessons. Leaves a deep. Mikalojus Konstantinas Čiurlionis. He was greatly. “Prelude”. Pentatonix. An a cappella ...
Art, 12 pages
2020 01 16
Artificial Intelligence. What is A. ? Where did A. First come from? What are the different characteristics of A. When does A. Happen? What factors are involved in A. ? Why is A. Important? What are some statistics of A. ? What are the. Progess. ...
Technology, 22 pages
2020 01 09
Artificial intelligence. The study of. Digital personal assistants. Google Now. History. Early History? The rise of artificial intelligence. Current status. O Mobile Phones. Challenges. Computing Power Tolerance Power Intuitive Thinking Judging ...
Technology, 10 pages
2019 02 20
Australia. Content. A litle bit about australia. Australia flag. Australia. Capital. Sydney. Sydney at day. Harbour bridge at day. Harbour bridge at evening. Opera house. Natural environment. Famous places in australia. Famous places in australia ...
Geography, 17 pages
2019 04 14
„Automobile maintenance. Introduction. Driving. Fixing. Routine Maintenance. Checking tire tread. Checking tire air pressure. Checking fluid levels. Checking the oil. Changing brake pads on disc brakes. Lights. Washing and Waxing Exterior. ...
Transport, 23 pages
2019 04 20
Bacteria. Vocabulary. Bacteria. Bakterija. Negative aspects. Neigiama bakterijų reikšmė. Positive aspects. Teigiama bakterijų reikšmė. Structure. Bakteriology. Bakteriologija. Classification. Klasifikacija. Spheres (cocci). Rutulinės ...
Biology, 26 pages
2019 03 29
Buckingham Palace. Buckingham Palace is. Originally known as. In the Middle. The house which. The palace measures 108 metres by 120 metres. There is Picture Gallery, which is top-lit and 50 metres long. The Guard Room contains white marble ...
Real Estate, 16 pages
2019 03 06
Bulimia. Marija l. Iiia. Content. What is bulimia? Symptoms of bulimia What causes bulimia? Treatment for bulimia. A mental illness large. Symptoms of bulimia. Problems with the. Thoughts and feelings. Therapy Self-help and support groups ...
Medicine, 8 pages
2019 04 03
Business culture in france. Work objectives. To analyze Business mentality French. About france. France is one of the most modern and highly-developed countries in the world. Business mentality. French executives tend to focus on long-term ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 10 pages
2019 04 04
Business Logistics Summary. Consider a third-party. Consider teaming up with a partner. Try a small business logistics service from a major provider. Consider an industry specific provider. Summary. Task Translate sentences.Depending on your ...
Logistics, 13 pages
2019 03 04
Chlamydia trachomatis. Outline. Chlamydia trachomatis Hystorical information Life cycle of the Chlamydia Chlamydia infection PCR. Vocabulary. Chlamydia infection. One of the most common sexually transmitted infections caused by bacteria called ...
Medicine, 14 pages
2019 05 15
Tenor. Definitions and abbreviations. Introduction. Cholesterol. 1. 1 The concept and features of cholesterol. Types of cholesterol. Cholesterol norm and risk groups. Medical preparations that coregulate cholesterol quantity. 2. 1 ...
Medicine, 26 pages
2022 04 24
Cloning. Contents. Cloning. History of cloning. Types of cloning. Natural cloning. Reproductive cloning. Dolly the sheep. Therapeutic cloning. Advantages of cloning. Disadvantages of cloning. What are the risks of cloning? Important facts about ...
Biology, 14 pages
2019 04 25
Made by. Content. Company history about our. History. The Ferrero’ Family. About our products. Kinder supports you. Packing. For us “Packaging” means “Protection”. Subdivisions. Countries where distribute. The number of employees. Our ...
Companies, 13 pages
2019 04 25
Content. History. About our products. Packing. Subdivisions. The number of employees. The annual sales turnover. S. W. O. T. Prospects for future activity. Conclusions. Movie. Bibliograpy. Thank You For Your Time!
Business & Entrepreneurship, 14 pages
2019 04 24
Computer virus and protection. Agenda. What is a computer virus? What a computer virus do? History of Virus. Why do People Create Computer Viruses? How to detect a Virus? Types of computer viruses. Anti-virus software. Anti virus software. How an ...
Software, 15 pages
2019 05 14
Construction sand. Introduction. Sand is a commodity like oil, copper and gold. Sand uses. Construction Water filtration Chemical production Glass. Sand logistics. Not all sand can be used for construction. Sand qualities. Desert sand is. Sand ...
Real Estate, 10 pages
2022 06 23
Content management systems. Content. Why CMS? Concept of Content Management Systems Categories of CMS General features Advantages. What is cms? It is a. Categories. Website Content Management. General features. Content creation Content storage ...
Software, 8 pages
2019 05 16
Creative industries what are they? Do you like. If 'yes'. Cultural and creative industries include creativity and intellectual capital as creative. Data show. So what are they? Industries that have the basis of individual creativity. Nine ...
Culture, 9 pages
2020 01 17
Criminalist. What the job involves. Collecting usefull information about a crime scene Conducting DNA analyses Documenting the scene. A typical day. Waking up at. Challenges. Personal life can. Requirements. A bachelors or. Summarizing points. ...
Law, 8 pages
2019 03 29
Crm systems. Source. Benchmark studies reveal that CRM applications account for decreased sales and marketing costs of 23%. Benchmark studies reveal that CRM applications account for Improved profit margins of over 2%. Smarketing. Sales + ...
Economy & Finance, 74 pages
2019 04 09
Depression. Content. Introduction List of relevant. Introduction. Depression is a. List of relevant words. Disorder – mental. What causes depression. Depression can be. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Depression can occur in every person children. ...
Medicine, 9 pages
2019 03 12
Dialects of English. Outline. Dialect. England. The dialects of England. Scotland. Scottish vocabulary (examplesIreland. The sentence structure of Irish English (examplesThe United States. The dialects of the United States. Australia. Aboriginal ...
Languages, 15 pages
2018 12 03
1,200-Calorie Diet. Dieting for weight loss. So you’ve decided. A good place. Planning your day. Food is fuel, but many of us eat for reasons other than hunger. The biggest challenge you’re going to face with a limit of. Creating a meal plan. ...
Biology, 12 pages
2020 02 11