Presentations (35)

3352 documents
Places of cultural interest slides
Places of cultural interest. The Science Center. An art gallery is a building for the exhibition of art. An archaeological site. The theatre of ancient Greece was a place. The Natural History. The Golden Temple is in India. It symbolizes freedom ...
Travel, 12 pages
2018 10 04
Places to go in Berlin
Berlin. Reasons why you should g there. The unique architecture Berlin Zoological Garden Museum island German Historical Museum. The unique architecture. Brick Gothic style. Lots of cathedrals. Major factor that influenced architecture style. ...
Travel, 7 pages
2018 11 20
Planet Neptune presentation
The planet of Neptune. Introduction. Neptune is the eighth and last planet from the Sun of the Solar System. History. The first who sighted Neptune was Galileo. Location. Neptune is next. Temperature. At it‘s surface, where the clouds of the ...
Astronomy, 13 pages
2020 06 08
Plant origin food beetroot
Plant origin food. Beetroot. The objective of presentation to present beetroot benefits and disadvantages. Keywords Beets vegetables. Beetroot also. Where grows beetroots? Can be easily. Apart from their. Nutrition value of beetroot. Eat beets ...
Biology, 14 pages
2019 09 28
Plastic and micro-plastics in the environment
Plastic and micro-plastics in the environment. The source. What is a micro-plastic? Where are micro-plastics found? How do micro-plastics form. Contaminated foods. Contamination in tap water. Micro-plastics in the Food chain. Micro-plastic effect ...
Ecology, 19 pages
2018 11 01
Pluto planet presentation
Pluto. What is Pluto? Pluto (minor-planet designation 134340 Pluto) is a dwarf planet in the Kuiper belt. Pluto's discovery. Pluto was discovered. What is Pluto like? Pluto is primarily. Plutos’s moons. Pluto has five known moons Charon (the ...
Astronomy, 10 pages
2019 06 24
Pneumonia presentation
Pneumonia. Content. Vocabulary Pneumonia definition Causes of. Vocabulary. Nausea Fever Bacteremia Renal failure Pus Cough Shortness of breath Mucus Infection. Definition. Pneumonia - lung inflammation caused by bacterial or viral infection. ...
Medicine, 11 pages
2020 04 09
Poland presentation
Poland the heart of europe. President bronisŁaw komorowski. People. Ethnic structure. Gender structure. Language polish. Capital city warsaw. Currency zloty (pln, zŁDiversity of polish landscape. Let's go to poland. The tatra mountains. The ...
Geography, 44 pages
2020 12 23
Police presentation
Depending on the administrative dependence, the police can be. The criminal police, state security border police water. Purpose to protect the public interest against the effects of crime by preventing. The criminal police. Paskirtis – ...
Law, 12 pages
2020 11 10
Polish Army presentation
The sword is the oldest historic bladed weapon. It is the coronation sword of Polish kings. On 15th July. It is a blunt weapon consisting of a wooden shaft to which a chain. One of the. Hussars were created in 1503 and they fought the last battle ...
Military, 20 pages
2020 11 30
Polish International Economics
Poland. Economics, Culture and Business Etiquette. Geography. Border Countries Germany. Economic Situation. - Fall of Communism 1992- Poland came out of recession. Economic Profile. GDP (Purchasing PowerPopulation Cultural diversity. Ethnic ...
Economy & Finance, 9 pages
2020 11 29
Politics in economics
The role of. Politics, Law, and Ethics. In International Business. Chapter. Political Ideologies. Democracy. Totalitarianism. Forms of Totalitarianism My explanation. Political Risk. Political risk. Where is Political Risk? Political Risk. How ...
Economy & Finance, 22 pages
2019 12 14
Politics of Luxembourg presentation
Politics of Luxembourg. Geography of Luxembourg. Physical Map of Luxembourg. Background of Luxembourg’s political system. Government of Luxembourg. Executive Branch. Legislative Branch. Judicial Branch. Parliamentary parties. Henri. Jean-Claude ...
Politics, 14 pages
2020 12 01
Pollution project
Pollution. What is pollution? Pollution is the introduction of contaminants into the natural environment that cause negative effects. Kinds of pollution. Major forms of pollution include Air pollution. Causes of pollution. Air pollution Motor ...
Environment, 7 pages
2019 12 04
Pollution slides
Pollution. Problem pollution. Water pollution Land pollution Light pollution. Here are some. Market Validation. Sea cleaners - people who together clean oceans and seas. Market size. Our buyers environmental cleaning organizations individuals. ...
Environment, 11 pages
2021 02 28
Pollution types
Pollution. Types of pollution. Air pollution Water pollution Soil. Causes of air and water pollution. Air and water pollution are mostly caused by factorys. Other types of pollution causes. Other types of pollution are mostly caused by humans or ...
Environment, 6 pages
2018 03 17
Pollution: air, water and ground pollution
Pollution. Pollution is for nature and health dangerous thing. Pollution makes from - rubish throwing into environment. Air pollution is. Air Pollution. Peoples are throwing rubish into enviroment and they dont recycle rubish. Water and Ground ...
Environment, 6 pages
2018 04 03
Popular Profession slides
Popular Profesion. Content. Computer Programmer. Quick Facts about computer programmers. What does they do? Important Qualities for Computer Programmers. Animators. Quick Facts about animators. An animator should. What Does they do? Biomedical ...
Career, 22 pages
2018 10 04
Port of Shanghai slides
Port economics and management department. Presentation plan. Location. Port size. Port depth. Yangshan Deep-Water Port. Huangpu River. Yangtze river. Shanghai port type. Port authority. Port management. Port options. Shanghai port terminals. The ...
Transport, 23 pages
2022 04 14
Portable structures presentation
Portable structure. Portable structure? Why portable structure? Categories. Demountable. Movable. Some engineering inventions in portable structure. Pre-fabricated. Wars and disasters. Basic principle for portable structure. Some military ...
Engineering, 21 page
2022 05 07
Portugal presentation
Portugal. Location. Portugal is situated in the western part of the Iberian Peninsula. Portugal is divided. The most important. The islands of Madeira and the Azores are also part of the Portuguese territory. Portugal’s highest point is Pico ...
Geography, 29 pages
2020 11 30
Post office in Kaunas history
Post Office in Kaunas. Who knows when the first post office appeared? Later there was smoke. Later postmen used horses to carry letters and parcels. This is the first post office in Kaunas. Here was a place for horses also. Thank you for your ...
History, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Power supply in LED airport lighting systems
Power supply in LED airport lighting systems. Introduction. Lighting system as a part of airport. Typical design of the airport light. Rewriting Allard‘s law. Koschmieder‘s law. Result. Possibilities of power supply. A Serial powered airport ...
Transport, 16 pages
2020 06 11
PPT Slides about Amazon trade
Amazon. Amazon trade. AmazoN is the world’s largest online retailer and a prominent cloud services provider. Amazon founder. Jeff Bezos incorporated. Amazon location. Amazon is headquartered. Amazon product line. ‘‘Amazon. Com‘‘ product ...
Marketing, 13 pages
2020 06 26
Preparing for a job interview
Preparing for a job interview. Plan for our presentation. How to prepare for a job interview. Aim. To figure out. How to prepare for a job interview? First off all, Do your homework. Find out the exact location, time. -Prepare the most important ...
Career, 18 pages
2018 01 09
Prescription Drug Abuse
Prescription Drug Abuse An Introduction. Overview. Prescription Drug Misuse (DefinitionsOpioid Dependence vs. Chronic Pain Managed with Opioids? Aberrant Medication-Taking Behavior. Addiction Abuse/Dependence. Which Prescription Medications Are ...
Medicine, 30 pages
2020 06 08
Present perfect simple presentation
Present perfect simple. Signal Words of Present Perfect. Already, ever, just, never, not yet, so far, till now, up to now. Make the positive present perfect. Mrs Snow   a fantastic cake. Julia   to school today? (be) What   you   for ...
Languages, 8 pages
2020 12 13
Present Perfect slides
What is Present Perfect. The present perfect. The formula of P. P. T. Where is it used. In English. It is used to describe recent events without a definite time. Why are they. It is used to express personal experiences. Have never been to China. ...
Languages, 21 page
2022 04 14
Present simple tenses slides
Present simple. We use the present simple to talk about. Permanent truths. The present period. Habitual actions. Future reference. Making suggestions. Affirmative form. The negative form. The interrogative form. Yes / no questions. Possible ...
Languages, 14 pages
2021 01 13
Presentation about Advent and Holy Christmas tradition in the Sweden
Advent and Holy Christmas tradition in the SWEDEN. Christmas is the biggest annual celebration in the world. Advent is a. Christmas in Sweden. Christmas time in Sweden is cozy and special. Although the beginning. The first Christmas fairs open in ...
Religion & Spirituality, 13 pages
2019 04 19