Presentations (34)
Oxford city. Oxford is a city in the South East region of England and the county town of Oxfordshire. Oxford skyline panorama from St Mary's Church. Oxford University. The city is known worldwide as the home of the University of Oxford. ...
Geography, 8 pages
2020 04 05
Oxygen. The element is. Properties. Name Oxygen Symbol O Atomic number 8 Atomic weight. Introduction. Phase Melting point Boiling point. Heavier than air soluble in water without smell or taste the gas is colourless. Property. Liquid O2 and solid ...
Chemistry, 16 pages
2021 01 18
Ozon depletion. Air Pollution. Effects of Air Pollution. Activity -Changeover Years. Less Ozone means More UV onsurface. Effects of UV. More UV - More SkinCancer. Cataracts. Clouding of Lens of Eye. Ozone-DestroyingChemicals.
Environment, 12 pages
2018 04 03
Pablo Picasso. Pablo Picasso (25 October 1881 – 8 April 1973Early life. "The purpose. A self portrait at 15 years old. Blue Period. Rose period. Cubism. Classical Period. Guernica. Later Works. Personal life and death. Sources.
Art, 23 pages
2020 06 07
Pablo Picasso. Self Portrait at Age. From the guinness book of world records. Most prolific artist. Picasso was the most prolific artist of all time. Self Portrait. Pedro Manach. Le Gourmet. The Tragedy. Family of Saltimbanques. Lady with a Fan. ...
Art, 30 pages
2020 11 29
Pablo Picasso. Biografija. Biography. Biografija. Biography. Biografija. Biography. Mėlynoji epocha. The Blue epoch. Rausvoji epocha. The Pink age. Afrikos įkvėptas epocha. The African-inspired epoch. Kubizmas. Cubism. Klasicizmas ir ...
Art, 20 pages
2021 01 18
Pandemic. Cholera. Cholera Outbreak. Cholera in today’s world. Spanish Influenza Outbreak. Spanish Influenza. Swine Flu- 2009 H1N. Immune Response. How does the Immune System recognize pathogens that don’t belong there? Immune System. ...
Medicine, 18 pages
2020 12 23
Pandora a/s. Business model - industry. PANDORA is a manufacturer and seller of hand-finished fine jewellery including charms. Industry analysis. Global jewellery market. Profitability. Activity ratios. Liquidity & Solvency. Recent financial ...
Companies, 10 pages
2020 04 26
Panther chameleons exhibit many different. Panther Chameleon Size Male. Meanings of Color Changes. Their color changes have diversified meanings. Habitat Where do Panther Chameleons live. The panther chameleons. Skin. Males have more vibrant ...
Biology, 12 pages
2020 02 18
Parents' experiences of. Key words. Schizophrenia Carers Coping Social support. Introduction / Previous studies. Research findings indicate. The aim. To investigate the experiences of a group of parents in detail and. Method. Sample. Participants ...
Medicine, 15 pages
2019 02 18
Parents' experiences of. Key words. Introduction / Previous studies. The aim. Method. Sample. Method. Clinical symptoms and coping strategies. Resources available to carers. Social support. Self-help groups. Mental health services. Discussion. ...
Medicine, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Parkinson's disease. Content. Word map. Definition. Symptoms. Causes. Risk factors. Stages of parkinson’s disease. Treatment. Medications. Physiotherapy. Prevention. Whole Body Vibration Versus Conventional Physiotherapy to Improve Balance and ...
Medicine, 18 pages
2020 06 09
Passive voice. How to make the Passive in English. Exercise Change the active sentence into the passive. Make correct passive phrases. Mind the tenses in brackets. Rewrite the sentences in Active voice. Rewrite the sentences in Passive voice.
Languages, 16 pages
2020 12 22
In. Last week. Yesterday. Years ago. In. Last year. Simple past tense. He She It We You They. Was/wasn’t at school yesterday. Was. Were. You He She It We You They. Worked in the garden yesterday. Didn’t play tennis last weekend. Didn’t ...
Languages, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Peking University. Content. General information. History of Peking University. Research Institutes and Centers. Main university subjects. Notable alumni. Li Dazhao. Hu shi. Yitang Zhang. University campus. More photos of university campus. ...
Education, 16 pages
2019 02 18
Pentathlon. What is Pentathlon? It's a multi-sport in which athletes compete in five matches. Pentathlon matches. Running. Running is a. Rules. Don't to disturb other rivals. Swimming - active or passive movement in the water. Swimming. ...
Sports & Fitness, 20 pages
2022 03 31
Performance Testing. Content. What is Performance Testing? Performance testing process. Performance types of testing. What tools are used? LoadNinja tool. What tools are used? Load testing and Performance Testing with JMeter. WebLoad Testing ...
Management, 30 pages
2019 04 30
Personal computer. And now the personal computer. Revolution. Computers today and how their change our life. How the Internet change our life. Mobile phones. History. How mobile phones change our life. Radio. History. How mobile phones change our ...
Devices & Hardware, 17 pages
2018 10 04
Personal hygiene. Types of personal hygiene. Food hygiene Hand hygiene Body hygiene Health hygiene Oral hygiene. Food hygiene. Almost 1 in 10 people in the world fall sick after eating unhygienic foods. Always wash your hands with clean water and ...
Health & Nutrition, 16 pages
2022 03 31
Personal protective equipment (PPEContent. Introduction. What is ppe? General requirements. Types of equipment. Head protection. Hearing protection. Face and eye protection. Respiratory protective equipment. Hand and foot protection. Body ...
Engineering, 18 pages
2020 11 24
Pet therapy. What is pet therapy? Pet therapy is a guided interaction between a person and a trained animal. Pet therapy origin. The early Greeks used horses to lift severely ill people’s spirits. What are benefits of pet therapy? Interacting ...
Psichology, 6 pages
2019 01 21
Petras Vileisis Railway Transportation Faculty. Petras Vileišis was a prominent Lithuanian enginer. Who was petras vileisis? November It was founded in Vilnius Railway Transport Technical School. August. Rolling Stock Maintenance Transport. ...
People, 6 pages
2018 11 28
Philosophy. A little bit of information about philosophy. Philosophy is the study of general and fundamental problems concerning matters such as existence. Classic philosophical questions. Is it possible to know anything and to prove it. ...
Philosophy, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Photorealism. Content. About Trompe-l‘œil vs photorealism Process Original. About. Photorealism is a genre. Trompe-l‘œil. Vs. Photorealism. Trompe L'oeil paintings. Process. Photorealists gather their imagery and information with the ...
Art, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Physical Hazards in Food. Food safety hazards exist in various forms. StateFoodSafety. Com. Types of hazards are. Physical hazards. Foreign objects are sometimes found in foodstuffs. Types of Physical hazards. Ex Stems in blueberries. Venngage. ...
Food, 10 pages
2019 02 25
Ch. - Physical Northern Europe. Warm-up video- Physical Scandanavia. Answers to video warm-up. Northern Europe is. Glaciation is the. During the last. Glaciation left hundreds of thousands of lakes in Northern Europe. Iceland’s rivers consist ...
Geography, 23 pages
2021 06 03
Physiological processes of the organism. Pain. Presentation aim is to introduce physiological processes of the organism – pain. Pain is physical. Pain distaction. Sometimes it takes. Pain measurement scale. Types of pain. Acute pain Sudden. ...
Medicine, 14 pages
2021 01 19
Pick-to-Voice. Increased Productivity, Accuracy and Flexibility. Rather than communicating visually via paper or computer monitors. Pick-to-Voice ensures an ergonomic and efficient pick sequence. Where it fits. Voice picking systems. Due to the ...
Technology, 10 pages
2017 12 19
The Pingxi Lantern Festival. The Pingxi Lantern. The festival is one of the most brightest festivals in the world. Festival history. Already in the 19th century for the first time in Taiwan. Festival today. This holiday attracts many tourists ...
Culture, 6 pages
2019 06 13
Pipeline transport. Content. History Growth Commodities Advantages and disadvantages Types of pipelines Preventative maintenance Safety Examples. History. Originally used to. Growth. Network grew steadily. Commodities. Oil à number. Advantages. ...
Engineering, 12 pages
2018 12 13