Presentations (24)
How drugs change a person’s life. Drugs. Drugs – it. If you take drugs, then your condition will change like the behavior and psyche. Beeing addicted to. Lithuania mostly of drugs substances are used cannabis. Cannabis - violation of brain ...
Biology, 7 pages
2019 09 11
How food affect us? overweight and obesity! Introduction. Theoretical background. Type 2 Diabetes. Blood pressure. Heart Disease. Stroke. Cancer. Sleep Apnea. Fatty Liver Disease. Aims of our research. Respondents and method of research. ...
Health & Nutrition, 33 pages
2018 10 04
How interior design affects mental health and well being. Content. Can Home Design Improve Mental Health? Sunlight Lightens Your Mood. Plants and Flowers In the Home Improve Mood. Colors. White. Yellow. Blue. Red. Art and Decorations. Furniture. ...
Design, 14 pages
2022 05 06
How technology changed our lives? Substance. Life before technology. Technology in my life. How technology changed our lives? Self-driving cars. Future. Advantages of technology. Disadvantages of technology. Thank you for. your attention.
Technology, 11 pages
2022 05 13
Farmer. By. To become a Farmer you need. Passion Commitment Sales and Marketing Skills. Being a Farmer develops. Communication skills Entrepreneurship Courage Curiosity. Cons. You work for yourself You can feel isolated The hours are unusual. ...
Agriculture, 9 pages
2020 04 22
How to deal with stress. Life can be stressful. Treating Stress with Lifestyle Changes. Exercise regularly. Get enough sleep. Identify the things that put you under stress. Stop worrying about the things you cannot change. Take responsibility for ...
Psichology, 24 pages
2019 02 27
How to describe bar charts and pie charts. Bar Chart. Bar graphs/chars are. Pie Chart. Pie charts are designed to visualize how a whole is divided into various parts. How to begin a description. To catch your audience’s attention from the very ...
Mathematics, 9 pages
2021 02 15
How to make a good presentation. (Your Name) 2020-09-23 Group (your groupContent. Introduction. Good presentation advice. Other things to consider? How to improve. Conclusion. References. The main purpose. Smile and Make. Oral communication is? ...
Technology, 8 pages
2020 10 22
Things that we need. Bolts Wood Drill Planer. First step. First of all, we need to do a sketch of stool. Second step. We need to cut the wood into boards. Third step. Then you will need to plane the boards to keep them soft. Fourth step. We need ...
Recreation, 8 pages
2019 11 23
How to make interview more convincing. Content. Definitions posture head posture mirroring hands arms and legs eye contact voice delivery. Definitions. INTERVIEW - a meeting of people face to face. Posture. Sit upright Be relaxed. Lean slightly ...
Sociology, 11 pages
2018 12 15
How to make people like you? You have to be good to others,because kindness is the key to other peoples heart. Be honest with others and don’t lie. Do not speak negatively about people. Others start to trust you when you help each and support ...
Philosophy, 7 pages
2022 03 31
How to reduce pollution in the world? Content. Introduction. The most polluted cities in the world. The most polluted air on the planet. Plastic bags damage to the environment. How many times people use plastic bags for food? How You Can ...
Environment, 22 pages
2019 03 06
How to work with Dehydrated, Dry and atopic skin. Epidermis composition. Composition of Extracellulare space of epidermis. First line of defence is epitelium. Protection Barrier Of guts and skin is similar. What Leaky Tissue is? First ...
Beauty & Makeup, 33 pages
2019 11 19
How to write an opinion essay? What is an opinion essay? Opinion essay structure. Introduction. The main body. The conclusion. Basic do‘s in writing an opinion essay. Basic dont‘s in writing an opinion essay. Sources.
Education, 9 pages
2020 06 08
Writing. A semi-formal letter. Semi-formal letter. Plan. The opening and closing of the letter. Body. Development of the topic. Conclusion. Signing off. Use polite, respectful tone (would/couldUse less colloquial language.
Literature, 10 pages
2020 01 15
How will technology change our lives in the next 20 years? What is technology ? How will technology change our lives in the next 20 years? Future transports. Future cars. Technologies in medicine. Education technologies. Environment technologies. ...
Technology, 10 pages
2018 10 04
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIVWhat is hiv? Hiv/aids. If woman is infected with HIV and pregnant. What can woman. Why is HIV treatment recommended during pregnancy? Side effects of HIV drugs. After giving birth.
Medicine, 8 pages
2020 06 08
Human rights and social work. What rights are human rights? Implementing human rights. Historical development of human rights. Human rights are. Human dignity. Three perspectives on human rights. Three generations of human rights. Human rights ...
Law, 31 page
2018 03 17
Hurricane Florence. Hurricane Florence was. The Category first hurricane slowed to 2-3 miles per hour. A week after the hurricane, major highways remained flooded and closed. People died. How we could help? Evacuated people need clothing, ...
Geography, 12 pages
2019 01 15
Hurricanes. Content. What is a Hurricane? What are the parts of the Hurricanes. A hurricane is a type of a storm called a tropical cyclone. What are the parts of a hurricane? Eye Eye wall Rain bands. What makes Hurricanes form? There are two main ...
Geography, 11 pages
2020 06 07
Hydrotherapy. Vocabulary. Hydropathy Occupational therapy Naturopathy Proponent Buoyancy Masseur Locomotor system Epsom salts Engorged. Content. What is Hydrotherapy? History. Hydrotherapy, formerly called hydropathy and also called water cure. ...
Medicine, 24 pages
2018 04 03
Hygiene. Practices that are generally considered proper hygiene include showering or bathing regularly. Personal hygiene helps keep you healthy. Hand washing helps. Personal hygiene. Tooth brushing Hair care Skin care. Food hygiene. Washing food ...
Biology, 6 pages
2020 11 19
Hazardous waste. What is hazardous waste? Hazardous waste is. It is a byproduct of a wide range of activities. A hazardous substance. Hazardous wastes can originate from Households Local areas Industrial. Hazardous waste treatment. Hazardous ...
Environment, 11 pages
2020 04 23
Am proud of Kaunas. Kaunas. Tado Ivanausko Zoological Museum. Vytautas dydysis war museum. Devil's Museum. Kaunas Puppet Theater Museum. Lithuanian Medical and Pharmaceutical History Museum. The 5 best museums in Kaunas, thanks for ...
Travel, 13 pages
2018 03 17
Ice & Rain Protection. Content. General. Ice Detection & Warning System. Wing Anti-Ice. Engine Air Intake Ice Protection. Windows and Windshield. Windshield Wipers. Rain repellent. Ice protection system (ips) control panels.
Transport, 12 pages
2022 03 31
Ice cream production. Key words. Analyze of ice cream processes. Submit a scheme for the production of ice cream. Preparation of raw materials. Mix. Filtering. Heat treatment. Homogenization. Chilling. Storage, maturation. Freezing mixture. Ice ...
Food, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Ideologies in discourse. (Norman Fairclough—The New Oxford Dictionary of English, 2005, p. Norman Fairclough. What to know before analysing fairclough‘s view? Two ideas from section d. Location of ideology. Thanks. Resources.
Languages, 11 pages
2020 10 07
Project work. "If I could change the world. ". Many years ago, the world was completely different than it is now. The world is. Where to start. One person would fail to change the world. My plans and desires. The world and the earth itself are ...
Lifestyle, 8 pages
2020 06 08
Ikonos. Ikonos satelite characteristics. Ikonos camera telescope. Panchromatic and multispectral ikona‘s pictures. Ikonos satelites pictures use for. Sports and tourism. Natural disasters. Cadastry. Defense and intelligence. Historical events. ...
Astronomy, 16 pages
2019 01 10
Illness and treatment. Dizziness. Stethoscope. Syringe. Crutches. Injury. Stretcher. Fever. Sunburn. Backache. Bruise. Pressure measuring. JAB (ukShot (usSprain. First aid kit. Pharmacist. Duty doctor. Dental pick. Dumbbells. Walker. Cane.
Medicine, 22 pages
2021 06 15