Presentations (18)

3352 documents
English Dialogue Phrases examples
‘Functional language’. Speaking. Expressing an opinion. If you ask me/ As for me The way I see it. Checking for Understanding. See what Showing Interest in a Conversation. That’s interesting/ nice / amazing/ incredible Wow. Expressing ...
Languages, 8 pages
2022 05 01
English Future tenses rules
Unit Insight. Upper-intermediate. Future tenses. Present simple. We use the. Present continuous. We use the present continuous to talk about arrangements for a future time. Will + infinitive. We use will and won‘t to talk about Promises and ...
Languages, 9 pages
2020 11 13
English Future tenses: Present continuous, going to, future simple „Will“, future continuous, future perfect, future perfect continuous
Future tenses. Present continous. Subject+ am/is/are +verb-ing + complements. Be going to. Subject + am/is/are + GOING TO+ base form + complements. Future simple “will”. Subject+ will (‘ll) + base form + Complements. Be going to vs. Future ...
Languages, 10 pages
2020 06 10
English grammar slides
English Grammar. (The MatrixPreview. Grammar. Parts of speech (NounsDefinition. (proper and common nounsProper and common nouns. Nouns (singular and pluralSingular and plural (cont. Practice Exercises. Use the plural form to fill in the blanks. ...
Languages, 29 pages
2018 10 04
English lesson slides about adjectives
Lesson. Comparative Board race. Students write each adjective under correct column. Ugly happy smart friendly beautiful peaceful strange dirty wet funny clean intelligent. Brave pretty colorful tasty hard great enjoyable good bad weak cheerful ...
Languages, 8 pages
2019 06 15
English Past simple tense: positive, negative, question
Past simple. When we use past simple. We make the. Some examples. I was cold I wasn't sleepy they were hungry You did not call Debbie. I saw a movie yesterday. Last year. Exercise. I  (not/drink) any beer last night. Put the verbs into ...
Languages, 9 pages
2021 03 01
English presentation about ethical hacking
Ethical hacking. Structure of presentation. Definition of Ethical hacking. The mysterious Ethical Hacker. Types of hackers. Black hat hackers. White hat hackers. Gray hat hackers. Hacking process. Types of attacks. Required skills to become ...
Software, 16 pages
2019 12 23
English quiz
English quiz. Information found by ______ , quiz made by _____. Irregular verbs. Write past simple and past participle of these words – be. Sentence building. Write the correct words. Options Keep up with , bring up. Translate the words. ...
Languages, 9 pages
2020 12 08
English salad recipe presentation
Chicken, Bacon, and Strawberry Salad. Ingredients. For the dressing. Prepare the dressing first. In a food. Now make the main salad. In a large deep skillet over medium high heat. And finally assemble. To assemble. The nutritional value. G of ...
Food, 7 pages
2022 03 31
English Tenses: Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous
Present Tenses. Present Perfect and Present Perfect Continuous. Identify the tenses. Have done my homework and can have a rest now. Compare. Present Perfect – finished action/result Present Perfect Continuous – incomplete action/activity. ...
Languages, 9 pages
2020 04 01
English: Conditionals type 1 and 2 presentation
Let’s Do It! Type 1 and type 2 exercises. If you don’t eat the cookies,you won’t go out! Complete the sentences with the correct form (Type I or IIIf you wash  the. If we find your ring, we. If I was/were you. She will learn.
Languages, 9 pages
2021 06 20
English: Identifying Similarities and Differences
Identifying Similarities and Differences. Comparing pg. 9 Classifying pg. Marzano Book Tour goes to OK. Focus. Facilitate the student. Percentile Gain. Identifying similarities and differences (Yields a 45 percentile gain). Comparing. ...
Languages, 25 pages
2020 11 30
English: Passive and causative passive
Passive. causative passive. Šnekamojoje kalboje vietoje “Be” dažnai vartojamas “Get”. By/with. Su žodžiais “Give, offer, tell, etc. ”. Passive gali būti dviejų rūšių. Prielinksnis eina iškart po veiksmaž. accuse of, speak ...
Languages, 18 pages
2020 05 01
English: Present tenses grammar guides
Present tenses. Present Simple, Present Simple Continuous, Present Perfect, Present Perfect Continuous. Present simple form. Use for permanent. Present continuous form sb. Use For temporary situations She is working in Paris this week. Stative ...
Languages, 11 pages
2020 11 17
Enterprice Financial Management presentation
Enterprice Financial Management. Enterprise Risk Management. Risk Profile. Risk management requires certain degree of centralization. Derivatives (derivative securities). The derivative - security whose market value is directly related to. ...
Economy & Finance, 18 pages
2018 10 31
Enterprise resource planning ERP (2)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP). Content. Definition of Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP) How does ERP work. Definition of Enterprice Resource Planning (ERP). Enterprise resource planning. ERP is most frequently used in the context of ...
Economy & Finance, 25 pages
2017 12 19
Environmental problem Deforestation presentation
Environmental problem. Deforestation. Deforestation is the. Deforestation is clearing Earth's forests on a massive scale. Forest fire. Effects of deforestation. Soil erosion. Floods. Wildlife extincion. Solutions. Massive deforestation must be ...
Environment, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Environmental Problems presentation
Material World. Environmental Problems. Littering. Littering littering is. Deforestation. Deforestation. Deforestation is cutting, removing, clearing rainforests. Air pollution. Air pollution. Chemicals in the air causes air ...
Environment, 11 pages
2020 11 11
Ermitažas company presentation
UAB “Ermitažas”. UAB „Ermitažas“. „Ermitažas“ – is. Employees. According to the data of the State Social Insurance Fund Board. UAB „Ermitažas“ production. Finishing materials Construction materials Working tools Auto goods ...
Management, 14 pages
2020 04 15
ERP System Microsoft Dynamics GP Starbuks
Erp system. Microsoft Dynamics GP. Microsoft dynamics gp. Main functions and modules. Main costs of Microsoft Dynamics GP. How Microsoft Dynamics GP is improving business. Starbucks. History of Microsoft Dynamics GP. in Starbucks. Main ...
Management, 9 pages
2018 10 24
eSports brief history
INtroduction – eSports brief history. The very first game. The first tournaments in the gaming history (1972-1989). First large scale tournament. The rise of internet and birth of eSport. (1990-1999). Million dollars prize pools and Twitch ...
Sports & Fitness, 11 pages
2020 11 05
Essay writing phrases
Essay writing – phrases. Introduction. *. This statement is (has been) widely questioned (par. *One question that has caused a great deal of controversy over the years is. Introduction/conclusion. Even some people. Main body. *The most ...
Languages, 6 pages
2018 12 03
Essen in Deutschland
Die Deutschen haben ein gutes Verständnis für Kochkunst. Traditionell ist die Hauptmahlzeit des Kg jährilch für jeden Bürger. Dann stehen Gemüse-93,3 kg, und Fleisch-60 kg. Süssigkeiten-nur 36 kg jährlich für einen Bürger. Jährlich ...
Culture, 23 pages
2020 11 29
Essential apps for your new smartphone
Essential apps for your new smartphone. Content. Introduction Social media Music Entertainment News Storage The end. Introduction. When you buy. Social media. Social media is one of the important things in a teenagers life. Music. Music for ...
Internet, 10 pages
2018 01 23
Essentials of Marketing
Essentials of Marketing. Project analysis slide. Market. The common usage of market means a place where goods are bought or sold. A place where buying and selling take place. Marketing is a human activity to satisfy needs and wants. The aim of. ...
Marketing, 15 pages
2019 12 05
Ethernet card
Ethernet card. Content. What is Ethernet. Ethernet is the most widely installed local area network (LAN) technology. Ethernet card hystory. On May 22, 1973, Bob Metcalfe (then at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center. The Role of ethernet card. It ...
Devices & Hardware, 9 pages
2018 01 09
Ethics of public administration. Content. The concept of. The concept of public administration. Public Administration is element of the state power which of agencies. The concept of administrative ethics. Ethics are standards. Ethics ...
Government & Nonprofit, 10 pages
2018 10 04
European Day of Languages project
European Day of Languages has been celebrated every year since 2001 on 26 September. Polish language. Hi – Cześć Thank you - Dziękuję Ci Sorry – Przepraszam See you. Russian language. Hello – Здравствуйте Sorry – ...
Languages, 6 pages
2021 03 05
European day of languages quiz
European day of languages quiz. How many languages are estimated to be indigenous to Europe? Which is the most widely spoken language in the Europe? Which of the following languages are written from right to left? In which of the following ...
Languages, 26 pages
2018 11 30
European Day of languages slides
European Day of languages. What is it? The European Day of Languages is 26 September. There are. EU official languages ​​from. Dutch French. Goals. Language skills are a necessity and a right of every human being. There are 225 local ...
Languages, 8 pages
2021 01 07