Presentations (17)

3352 documents
Economic situation in Spain presentation
Economic situation in Spain. Member of the European. Following the financial crisis. Employment crisis. In 2007 Spain was at its record low unemployment rate. Employment recovery. In 2014 Spain started creating jobs for the first time since. ...
Economy & Finance, 7 pages
2019 03 28
Economy project slides
Economy. What do we believe the biggest problem facing the world is? We believe the Economy is the biggest problem facing the world today. Funding percentage. %. Other problems effecting the economy. Mortgage crisis Obama puts $700 Billion down ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2021 01 15
Economy sectors presentation
Economy. Panevėžys. Economy The aim. Structure. Economics. Economy sectors Primary Secondary Tertiary Quaternary Quinary. Demand The amount of. Supply Supply is a. GDP Gross domestic product. Inflation inflation is a. Unemployment rate ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2020 01 13
Education in outside kindergarten uniqueness
“Education in outside kindergarten uniqueness”. The aim of. Aim. Outside kindergarten. What is it? History. The first outdoor kindergartens in Europe started to develop in 1950 in Denmark. Advantages of outside kindergarten. Children grow ...
Education, 17 pages
2021 01 11
Egypt country presentation
Egypt. A country located. Egyptian summers are. The Pyramid of Cheops. The Pyramid of Cheops - the largest of the Egyptian pyramids. Also in Egypt. Cleopatra – queen of Egypt. Cleopatra - the last queen of Egypt from the Hellenistic Macedonian ...
Geography, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Egypt presentation
Egypt has one of the longest histories of any modern country. The Nile has been the lifeline of its region for much of human history. Egyptian pyramyds built. Science in the country is mandatory and free of up to 16 years. Ra. Isis.
Geography, 6 pages
2018 01 11
Electric and driverless cars slides
Electric and driverless cars. Content. Electric car? What is this? When the electric car was invented? Advantages of electric cars. Disadvantages of electric cars. Solar cars. Google driverless car. How it works? Disadvantages of driverless cars. ...
Transport, 19 pages
2020 06 09
Electric energy generation and transmission
Electric energy generation and transmission. Elektros energijos gamyba ir perdavimas. Can you remember? Introduction /Įvadas. Transformer /Transformatorius. How does a transformer work? Transformer /Transformatorius. Generation of electric ...
Physics, 14 pages
2022 04 03
Electric engineering inventors and inventions
Electric engineering inventors and inventions. In the beginning. Today the following branches have emerged from the electrical engineering. Electrical engineering inventors. William gilbert. Alessandro volta. Alessandro Volta, a precursor to the ...
Devices & Hardware, 14 pages
2018 11 29
Electric light slides
Electric light. What was used before. Before electric lighting became common in the early 20th century. When it was invented. English chemist Humphry Davy developed the first incandescent light in. What you use it for. In addition to. How does it ...
Physics, 10 pages
2021 05 07
Electric Vehicle
Electric Vehicle. Content. What is it? And how does it work? How does charging work? History. La jamais contente (1899). Tesla Model S P100D (2019). Economical Advantages. Environmental Benefits. Disadvantages. What are the different types of ...
Transport, 12 pages
2019 11 25
Electric Vehicle slides
Electric Vehicle. Content. The birth and fall of the electric vehicle. Gas shortages and environmental concern spark interest in electric vehicles. A new beginning for electric cars. What is an electric vehicle. Advantages and disadvantages of ...
Transport, 7 pages
2018 12 10
Electric Vehicle Technology Explained
Electric Vehicle Technology Explained. General information. What is written in this book? Electric vehicle. Batteries. Lead Acid batteries. Nickel-based batteries. Sodium-based batteries. Lithium batteries. Metal air batteries. Use of Batteries ...
Engineering, 14 pages
2022 05 18
Electricity created by Solar Panels
Electricity created by solarpanels. What is Solar Energy? Solar Energy originates with the thermonuclear fusion reactions occurring in the Sun. Photovoltaic Electricity. Photovoltaic comes from. Solar Panel. Solar Panel is an indispensable ...
Devices & Hardware, 13 pages
2018 10 04
Electricity generation
Electricity generation. Introduction. What is electricity generation? History. The way we can generate electricity. Methods of generation. Generators. Electrochemistry. Photovoltaic effect. What is the sources of the electricity we consume? ...
Engineering, 13 pages
2021 02 26
Electromagnetic induction slides
Electromagnetic induction. Elektromagnetinė indukcija. Describe what is electromagnetic induction. Remember/Prisiminkime. What creates magnetic. How is magnetic field represented in drawings / diagrams. Remember /Prisiminkime. The right hand. ...
Physics, 11 pages
2022 04 03
Elephantiasis tropical disease slides PPT
Elephantiasis (lymphatic filariasisWhat is elephantiasis? Elephantiasis is a. Symptoms. Most people who are infected will not show symptoms. Causes. The following. How does the disease spread? Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading the ...
Medicine, 10 pages
2020 06 10
Elizabeth I biography
Elizabeth Elizabeth‘s biography. Elizabeth Some interseting facts about her. Some interesting facts about her. Her look. Some interesting facts about her. Virginia. Elizabeth‘s i most importantachievements. Elizabth‘s i most important ...
People, 15 pages
2020 09 22
Elon Reeve Musk presentation
Elon Reeve Musk. Born in South Africa. For those who doesn‘t know where it is. Finding his way. Main interests - Space exploration. The Beginning. Next big project. Now he wanted to change the course of humanity. Hyperloop One.
People, 25 pages
2018 10 04
Emos presentation
Emos. The mid-1980s of Washington Emo broke into mainstream culture in the early 2000s. Clothes. They wear jeans, t-shirts. Jewellery. They wear ring, bracelet, necklace, earrings, piercing. Hair. Usually all emos dye their hair black, red and ...
Culture, 9 pages
2017 12 19
Emotional development PPT
Content. Introduction. Glossary. Emotional development. Major emotional stages in childhood development. Basic emotions. Combining emotions. Infancy. Development of basic emotions. Positive emotions, smiles. Negative emotions. Complex emotions. ...
Education, 29 pages
2022 06 02
Emu ostrich
Emu ostrich. The emu is the second-largest living bird by height. It is endemic. He emu's range covers most of mainland Australia. The bird is. Emus are soft-feathered, brown. Emus can travel great distances. They drink infrequently, but take in ...
Biology, 10 pages
2020 05 01
Endangered animal: Hummingbird
Endangered animal. Hummingbird. There are nearly 350 known species of hummingbird. The hummingbird is the only species of bird that is able to fly backwards. Size 5cm. Due to their. Many species of. Female hummingbirds make. Sources.
Biology, 7 pages
2018 10 04
Endangered animals slides
Endangered Species. Giant Panda. Everyone loves a. Tiger. Probably fewer than 4,000 are left in the wild. Blue Whale. There are fewer. Asian Elephant. The IUCN’s best guess on the current population of Asian elephants. Snow Leopard. Probably ...
Biology, 9 pages
2022 04 13
Endangered animals species
Endangered animals. Content. Endangered animals Endangered animals species. In our world are a lot of endangered animals and their species. Amur Leopard. Orangutan. Black Rhino. Hawksbill Turtle. Reasons why they are endangered animals. Factors ...
Geography, 10 pages
2019 06 11
Endangered species slides
Endangered species. Lynx. Lynx - the cat family, small cats subfamily carnivore tribes. Lithuania. In Lithuania. Lack of suitable habitats. In our country. Lynx are still. In case of.
Ecology, 7 pages
2018 12 31
Energy production and consumption presentation
Energy production and consumption. The most powerful power plants in Lithuania. Kaunas hydropower plant 100,8 MW. Kruonis Pumped Storage Power Plant 900MW. Elektrėnai power plant 1955 MW. Nuclear power plant in Ignalina 3000 MW. Liquid natural ...
Devices & Hardware, 27 pages
2019 04 03
Engima machine
Enigma machine. What I will talk about? What does it do? ! ? Who is mad enough to make this invention? Why it was impossible to crack the cypher? Quick video to how it works. What was machine‘s main purpose? Who cracked the cipher machine? ...
Information technology, 12 pages
2020 10 15
Engineering plastics and their properties
Engineering plastics and their properties. Engineering plastics. Relevant properties. List of engineering plastics. Advantages. Disadvantages. Difference between metals and plastics. Thermoplastics. Thermosetting plastics. Expanded polystyrene. ...
Environment, 21 page
2021 01 08
Engineering studies slides PPT
Engineering studies. What is Engineering? What do Engineers do? Main Branches of Engineering. What Mechanical Engineers Do? Types of Mechanical Engineering Degrees. What Do Civil Engineers Do? Types of Civil Engineering Degrees. What Do ...
Engineering, 27 pages
2020 09 29