Presentations (16)
Disasters & Accidents in Films. “The Day After Tomorrow“. Jack and his friend. Jack’s son. When the storm started. The tornado and tsunami. “The Impossible”. When Tsunami started. Maria, her oldest son Lucas and his brother. The ...
Film & Television, 16 pages
2020 06 08
Disc golf. What is disc golf. Disc golf-is a. Disc Golf Introduction. Disc golf is played much like traditional golf. Types of Discs. Maximum Distance Drivers Discs are classified as distant. How do you play disc golf? A golf disc. Who plays disc ...
Sports & Fitness, 13 pages
2019 12 02
Discrete probability distribution. Vilnius University Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics. Content. Discrete random variable Distribution. Discrete random variable. A discrete variable is a variable which can only take a countable number of ...
Mathematics, 17 pages
2018 10 04
Discrimination at university. Executive summary. Discrimination is the. Introduction. Types of discrimination Recognizing discrimination How to avoid discrimination at university. Types of discrimination. Gender discrimination Age discrimination ...
Education, 9 pages
2020 11 11
Diseases. Food poisoning. It’s a disease caused by eating contaminated food. Insomnia. It’s a disorder while hard to fall asleep. Mumps. It’s an extremely contagious viral infection which usually ill children. Chicken-pox. It’s a viral ...
Biology, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Do elephants have similarities with humans? Greetings. The way elephants greet each other is similar to the way humans say “Hello. Communication. Both humans and elephants have various methods of communicating. Elephants communicatn. – ...
Biology, 7 pages
2020 07 12
Does media effect self-esteem and body satisfaction? Contents. Research looking into medias influence on self-esteem and body satisfaction in men and women. Purpose. Hypotheses. Methods. Materials. Results. List of relevant words. References. ...
Social Media, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Fashion House. Dolce & Gabbana is an Italian luxury fashion house created by Italian designers Domenico Dolce and Stefano Gabbana. First collection was. First collections. Brands. Dolce & Gabbana had two central lines (D&G and Dolce&Gabbana) ...
Design, 7 pages
2020 11 13
Domestic abuse. Domestic abuse definition. Domestic abuse types. Physical - abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation. Verbal - is. Emotional - is the ongoing emotional maltreatment or emotional neglect of a child. ...
Psichology, 13 pages
2018 01 09
Domestic Policies And Their Impact. Land Reform. Land Reform. Mariage Law Reform. How Marriage Reform Changed During This Period. Combat Illiteracy Campaign. Results Of Literacy Campaign. The First Five-Year Plan Production Results Of The First ...
Sociology, 31 page
2021 01 18
Driverless cars. Content. Definition Operating principle Safety Components of. What it means. An autonomous car (also known as a driverless car. Technologies that will have the biggest inpact in economy in. How it works. Autonomous cars use a ...
Transport, 14 pages
2018 10 04
An intresting technological invention. Drone. Work done. GL16D. What is a Drone? Drone is an aircraft without a human pilot. Can enter environments. Disadvantages. Drones can be considered an invasion of privacy. Conclusions. Drones don’t need ...
Technology, 11 pages
2018 03 17
Drought. What is drought? Drought- a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall. Causes of drought. Dry season El Niño Erosion and human activities Climate change. Types of droughts. Meteorological Agricultural Hydrological. Great Chilean ...
Geography, 13 pages
2018 03 17
Drowning. Content. Introduction Explanation of the problem Interesting facts Sequence Types of drowning Signs. Process of experiencing respiratory impairment from submersion or immersion in liquid. Deaths worldwide per year. Sequence. Breath ...
Biology, 15 pages
2022 04 14
Drugs and its‘ impact on society. Content. Drugs. Drugs are chemicals. Etimology. In English, the noun "Drug" is thought to originate from Old French "Drogue". Types of drugs. Drugs are usually parted into 4 groups. Impact on people. Drugs are ...
Biology, 12 pages
2019 06 11
Drugs. ! A road to no where! Content. What are drugs? Type of drugs. Stimulants. Depressants. Hallucinogens. How are drugs made? The effects of drugs on body. Banned drugs in the world, but not india. Terminology related to drugs. Why do people ...
Medicine, 20 pages
2020 11 18
By Dorota L. Drunk Driving. Drunk Driving is. What is Drunk Driving? Why do people still drink and drive? They believe they’re less drunk than they actually are. Drinking too much. How Alcohol Affects the Brain? Some stats. Effects of Driving ...
Transport, 10 pages
2020 04 30
DSC-dynamic stability control. Aim and Objective. Aim To give an introduction to DSC (dynamic stability control) on light vehicles. Under and over steer. Understeer occurs when. Wath is dsc? Pic. Under and over steer. What is the Z Axis? Yaw ...
Engineering, 13 pages
2019 05 27
Dsv. What is dsv. Danish 80 countries organisation. History. Leif Tulberg and nine independent haulers DFDS. Q4 2017 Q. DSV in Lithuania. Offices Offers special first class cargo transportation Offers road. Thank you, for your attention.
Logistics, 6 pages
2019 01 02
Dubičiai. Location. History. Well-known people. Why should you visit dubičiai? . Nature. One of the most popular ways to spend summer – canoeing. SPORT. In Dubičiai happens a lot of sport events. Church. Dubičiai has an amazing Švč. ...
Geography, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Dwayne. “The rock” Johnson. Popular actor, producer, professional wrestler. About him. Full name Dwayne Douglas Johnson Nickname The Rock Date of Birth May. Most popular movies. WIFE (1997-2008Dany Garcia. Girlfriend. Lauren Hashian. Living ...
Art, 8 pages
2020 11 23
E-commerce. digital marketing. Presentation map. What is E-commerce? Types of E-commerce Models. Examples of E-commerce. Retail E-commerce sales worlwide2014. How e-commerce related with. digital marketing ? Awarness. Interest. Retargeting. ...
Marketing, 16 pages
2019 06 04
PortoDrive. Transportation just became easier! Our Mission. The idea behind. How it works. A driver’s license and a payment card is all you need. There is a 10-minute free reservation - choose a car. Target audience. Our target audience are ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 8 pages
2020 12 08
Early 70’s fashion. For women, the “Hippie look” of the 1960s carried over to the early ’70s. Mid 70’s fashion. By the mid-1970s. Late 70’s fashion. Disco took over. The culture of the 70’s. Many changes, events, and attitudes ...
Fashion, 8 pages
2022 05 22
Earthquake. An earthquake is. What is an earthquake? There are three. Earthquake fault types. Size and frequency of occurrence. It is estimated. May 1960 – Chile 2. 28 March 1964 – Prince William Sound. The 10 most powerful recorded ...
Geography, 11 pages
2020 04 30
Earthquakes. What causes earthquakes? What is a seismograph? Couple facts about the Richter scale and earthquakes. Results after an earthquake. May 1960 – Chile. Magnitude March 1964 – Prince William Sound, Alaska. Magnitude August 1950 – ...
Geography, 10 pages
2020 04 05
Ease of doing business ranking. Kas yra “Doing business”? Tyrimas „Doing Business“– tai verslo aplinkos vertinimas pagal Pasaulio banko apibrėžtą metodiką ir scenarijus. Doing Business“ ataskaitoje. Pasaulio bankas tyrimą ...
Economy & Finance, 11 pages
2020 06 09
Eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing trends in beautiful green buildings. Eco-friendly design has become the norm in modern architecture. Shift in focus. New spaces. Fresh approach. Super sustenance. Green and pleasant.
Ecology, 8 pages
2018 03 17
Ecological Problems. Pollution and protection of our environment. Ecology is a science. Many sciences have such prefix. People have always polluted their surroundings. Air pollution. Water pollution. Air pollution is. Virtually not only human ...
Ecology, 14 pages
2022 05 07
Content. Economic growth importance. Economic growth. Economic growth is. Importance of economic growth. Higher living standards. Circle of economic growth. Economic and social costs. Risks of higher inflation and higher interest rate. Indonesia ...
Economy & Finance, 19 pages
2020 06 10