Presentations (107)
Made by. Spain (Kingdom of Spain). State the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Spain. Flag by Spain Capital city Madrid Population Spain had a total population of 46. Spanish terrain is varied. It is dominated by mountain ranges. The relief of ...
Geography, 11 pages
2016 11 28
Prepared by. Contents. Speech recognition software History. Speech recognition software. Speech recognition is. History of speech recognition software. As early as 1932, Bell Labs researchers like Harvey Fletcher were investigating the ...
Software, 12 pages
2016 11 23
What is Speech Recognition? How speech recognition works? About speech recognition. Few things about Dragon NaturallySpeaking. What is speech recognition used for? (benefits). For what kind of tasks speech recognition is useful? Things we could ...
Software, 11 pages
2017 06 03
SpendingS and Finances of teenagers. People generally do not like to talk about their finances. The Psychology of Finances. Need to. Common mistakes teenagers. Make. Statistics. Average spending of male. Average spending of female. Comparison ...
Economy & Finance, 8 pages
2017 03 01
Sport in my life. Sport is probably as old as the humanity itself. To my mind. Sport makes our bodies strong, quickens our reaction. I'm absolutely sure that doing sports is the best way to keep fit. Games for you to play with a friend include ...
Sports & Fitness, 11 pages
2017 05 22
Sports news. Project prepared by Evelina Puidokaitė, 4e. Sports news in lithuania. Berankis and Grigelis inch down in ATP ranking. Lithuanian president confers state decorations on EuroBasket 2015 silver medalists. Kijanskas scored his second ...
Sports & Fitness, 17 pages
2015 11 28
Sports. Today I‘m going. My favorite sport. You should also wear sneakers and comfortable clothing. People should take up sports, because sport helps to lose weight. Sources. English essay. Thank you for watching!
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2016 02 02
St George‘s Day. Content. When is St George’s Day? Who was St George? St George’s emblem is the flag of England. What did St George do? How do people celebrate St George’s Day in England? Thank you for your attention!
Religion & Spirituality, 8 pages
2015 09 14
St John's Day. St John’s day. Public holiday In. John and Janice. Lithuanians with the names John and Janice receive many greetings from their family. The traditions. People usually dance fun dances and sing songs sitting next to camp fire. ...
Religion & Spirituality, 8 pages
2016 12 08
Stanford prison experiment. Žygimantas Migauskas Arminas Miliauskas. Study of the psychological effects of becoming a prisoner or prison guard. Goals. Zimbardo and his. Procedure. The researchers held an orientation session for guards the day ...
Law, 6 pages
2016 11 22
Starbucks coffee. Content. History Locations The headquarters and. History. Gordon Bowker Jerry Baldwin Zev Siegl. Howard Schultz. Locations. The headquarters and branches. Information about employees. Structure. The annual turnover and profit. ...
Companies, 18 pages
2017 05 04
Starbucks Coffee Company. History. Story began in. Fol klore. Starbucks is named after the first mate in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. Mission. To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person. Values. Creating Acting Being Delivering. Who ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 11 pages
2015 10 01
Stars. Actors. Dancers. Singers. Producers. Famous people. Miranda Cosgrove Nicki Minaj Kristen.
Film & Television, 10 pages
2016 11 16
Stasys Povilaitis. Biography. Stasys Povilaitis born. Stasys attended violin. Facts. Family. Stasys Povilaitis told. „Singing Stasys Povilaitis“ („Dainuoja Stasys Povailaitis“. Stasys created a lot of solo albums. Palm stamp in nida. ...
Music, 9 pages
2015 11 17
Stepz Fitness. Stepz fitness 24/. Stepz fitness offer. Sports club membership. Stepz fitness equipment. Running tracks Height-adjustable. Video of sports equipment. Thank you for your attention.
Sports & Fitness, 6 pages
2016 12 19
Steve Wozniak. Content. Biography Intresting facts Career Apple Honors and awards. Biography. Stephen (or Stephan) Gary "Steve" Wozniak born August. Intresting facts. Th grade, built large computer 6th grade. Career. One thing Wozniak. Apple ...
Business & Entrepreneurship, 10 pages
2016 10 31
Stonehenge. Stonehenge is a circle of large stading stones on Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire, England. It was built in prehistoric times. Work on the stone circle began in about 3100 BC. About a centry. It is not know exactly why Stonehenge was ...
Etnology, 8 pages
2015 12 03
Stradford. William Shakespeare, English writer of plays and poems, born in Stradford. Stratford is a town and district in east London. Shakespeare's Birthplace is a restored 16th-century half-timbered house situated in Henley Street. By the ...
Geography, 6 pages
2016 10 14
Street music day. Music festival. What is "Street music day" ? Street music day is. How did this festival began ? Festival was inspired by one of the most appreciated Lithuanian musician Andrius Mamontovas. What happens in festival ? On ...
Music, 7 pages
2017 05 21
Student’s daily routine. Wake up. Brush teeth. Have breakfast. Go to school. Start lesson. Activities. Play basketball. Dance. Sing. Do homework. Free time. Watch tv. Read book. Listen music. Go to bed. Thank you for your attention.
Education, 13 pages
2015 10 21
Styles of learning. Styles of learning video. Style types. Visual learners- they learn best by looking at graphics. Visual Learners See Visual learners learn best by looking at graphics. Kinesthetic Learners Touch Kinesthetic learners process ...
Education, 20 pages
2016 11 17
Camp cooper. Location. United Kingdom. Crieff, heart of Scotland. Hour‘s ago from Glasgow and Edinburgh. Great place to visit. It is the perfect spot to spend your summer – there are forests to explore. Members. Campers aged Good place. You ...
Languages, 8 pages
2016 02 02
Sunburn and Swallowed objects. Causes of sunburn. Sunburn is caused by exposure to too much UV light. Symptoms. Redness Feeling of heat. Complications. Regular sunburn causes premature aging of skin. Prevention. Wear long clothes and stay in the ...
Medicine, 12 pages
2017 01 17
Supply Chain Management - Introduction. Say we get an order from a European retailer to produce. A value chain is another name for a supply chain. In a supply. Yarn. Zippers. Supply chain management. To meet the. Supply chains and. The ...
Management, 31 page
2016 03 18
Supply Chain Management Introduction. Outline. Traditional View Supply Chains in the Economy (1990, 1996). Traditional View Cost breakdown of a manufactured good. What can Supply Chain Management do? Magnitude of Supply Chain Management. ...
Management, 75 pages
2016 03 18
Support and Charity organization ‚‚Vilties sala‘‘. Zbignev doman iiig. Organization symbol. Support. Social community center. Saint john the. Organization doing a lot of charity festivals. Some pictures of activity. Organization goals ...
Sociology, 9 pages
2016 10 02
Surfing. What is surfing? Surfing is a surface water sport in which the wave rider. Equipment. Surfing can be done on various equipment, including surfboards, longboards or bodyboards. History. Surfing originated in Hawaii, but has spread around ...
Sports & Fitness, 7 pages
2015 11 01
Surgeon. What is surgeons? In medicine, a surgeon is a specialist in surgery. Surgeon specialities. Cardiac surgery Colon and. Surgeon history. In early recorded history. Famous surgeons. The Gross Clinic. Made by – Deivydas 8b.
Medicine, 6 pages
2015 05 13
Swansea. Swansea - officially known as the City and County of Swansea. Swansea has. Population. Famous People from Swansea. Landmarks. Liberty Stadium Capacity – 20. The Grand Theatre. Oystermouth Castle. Clyne Gardens. Uosis Nojus Galkevičius ...
Geography, 10 pages
2015 05 21
Topic. Switching technology. In a telecommunications. Manual system of switching. With manual service. A telephone operator manually connecting calls. Crossbar system. In electronics, a crossbar switch (cross-point switch. Circuit switch. ...
Devices & Hardware, 10 pages
2015 12 20