Presentation Of The Respublic Lithuania

Presentation of the republic of Lithuanian. The group T-15I Julita grigaliunaite. Project work. History in brief. With the Lublin Union of. The president of Lithuania. Temporary capital in. May apply to the Constitutional Court. In the cases provided for by the Constitution to dissolve the Seimas. Candidates for the office of President may. Age should not. Dalia Grybauskaitė. Dalia Grybauskaitė (b. 1956. 1 March. Vilnius ) - Lithuanian politician. 2014. re-elected for a second term. Lithuanian parliament , the national legislative body. The judiciary system. The court - it is established by law institution that administers justice. Lithuania has a total of 62 courts of general jurisdiction and specialized courts. The District Court.

1922 . August adopted the first permanent constitution.

Temporary capital in 1919 , 4 April “Laikinoji taryba” established institution of the President and elected Antanas Smetona the first President of Lithuania.

President of the Republic of Lithuania flag.

In the cases provided for by the Constitution to dissolve the Seimas . He heads the State Defense Council. It provides the highest military ranks .

Appointed by the district and local courts, judges and presidents .

Candidates for the office of President may:.

Dalia Grybauskaitė (b. 1956 . 1 March . Vilnius ) - Lithuanian politician , diplomat , former Vice-Minister and Minister of the Republic of Lithuania , the European Union commissioner . 2009 Dalia Grybauskaitė first elected president of Lithuania. 2014 . re-elected for a second term .

The court - it is established by law institution that administers justice . In order to guarantee that no one will not influence judicial decision-making , that they are fair and impartial, the Constitution and the Law on Courts provides that courts in administering justice , are independent from any other public and government institutions , officials, political parties , organizations and others .

  • Politics Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 992 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • Lithuanian
  • 14 pages (421 words)
  • Julita
  • Presentation of the respublic Lithuania
    10 - 3 votes
Presentation of the respublic Lithuania. (January 15, 2016). Reviewed on 16:16, March 6 2025