Presentation About Lithuania

Lithuania. The Largest Cities of Lithuania. The President of Lithuania – Dalia Grybauskaitė. We want to present you the beauty of our country nature. National Festivals. The Song and Dance festival. Basketball - the Second Religion of Lithuania. Tourist atraction places. Vilnius Old town. Kernavė. Kuršių nerija. The President of lithuania is. Lithuania is next to the. Kaunas is representative of.

Even that Lithuania is a small place, you'd be amazed to know that there are many places which you can see and visit. You can meet the country by using different routes - traveling only by UNESCO or national heritage objects or traveling through ethnographical regions, finding more about the living conditions, character and eating authentic meals.

Visiting Lithuania's UNESCO list world objects, you can see what you haven't seen in other countries : 1. Vilnius Oldtown 2. Kernavė 3. Kuršių nerija.

Vilnius old town is one of the biggest and prettiest old towns in Middle and Eastern Europe. Lithuania's capital is one of the worlds most beautiful cities, which you need to visit. Oldtown has been forming a few hundred years and here perpetuated the history of the city and the most important culture Old town has it's dominating style - Barok.

The first Lithuanian capital, because until these days this unique extinct culture, tradition and civilization has important mankind historical events. Because of it in 2004 this five hill complex is written in the UNESCO world object list.

A fascinating tourist attraction - Nida, Preila, Pervalka and Juodkrantė.

  • Geography Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 3279 KB
  • 2017 m.
  • Lithuanian
  • 24 pages (593 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Radvile
  • Presentation about Lithuania
    10 - 3 votes
Presentation about Lithuania. (February 5, 2017). Reviewed on 16:21, March 6 2025