Present Perfect Continuous

Present Perfect Continuous. Past Perfect Continuous. Past Simple Past Perfect. Will can may. Would could / might. Must have to. Be going to. Was were going to. Asked , wanted to know. Where I lived. How old I was. Claim , agree , offer , promise , refuse , threaten , demand. Agreed to sponsor. Inquire , wonder. Reported orders and requests. Not to infinitive. Not + to infinitive.
We use TOLD + personal pronoun, noun or name. Ex: She told us she was very tired.
We use SAID TO + personal pronoun, noun or name. Ex.: She said to Steve that she was tired.
We use SAID + no personal pronoun, noun or name. Ex.: She said she was very tired.
Ex.: Where do you live? → She asked me where I lived.
How old are you? → He wanted to know how old I was.
Have they been to Rome? → She wanted to know whether they had been to Rome.
We can use the following verbs when reporting what someone said.
Add, admit, agree, announce, believe, boast, claim, complain, declare, deny, demand, explain, insist, remind, suggest, warn, promise, threaten, inform sb
Ex.: He added that his country was preparing for war.