Payroll Calculation In A Small Hotel

Project Topic and Aims. Identify Common Uses for Spreadsheets. Demonstrate Features including Toolbar Management. Data Capture Form. Design of Screen Layouts. Specification for Input and Output Data. AWorksheet. BWorksheet. CWorksheet. Information Processing –Formula and Functions Explained12. Macros. Graphs. Filtering.
The main purpose of my project is to calculate payroll Hotel employee’s using Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software.
Microsoft Excel is a programme which allows the storage of financial information and lists, such as wages and business accounts. This information is always calculated accurately and well organised.
The hourly wages of different departments and business financial information will be stored in a table and will be shown in graphs.
There will be a front-page menu, which links the project together using macros.
Each Function is programmed to carry out a specific task, such as adding, calculating averages, finding the highest number in a list or calculating depreciation of an asset.
Other common uses for spreadsheets are graphs (charts), graphs are used to represent data. They are a visual representation of data in the spreadsheet. Graphs (charts) create better depictions of trends and percentages than raw numbers. Spreadsheet programs can automatically convert your data into the visual depiction of your choice, whether it's a pie chart, bar chart or line graph.
Choose the Save as type this is usually always the default Excel Workbook, there must be using the Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook.
There are five methods of sorting data in a spreadsheet:
In this Project, I designed Employee Payroll Calculation spreadsheet for small business.
First, I created the Employee Information worksheet, where I record this information:
I used the COUNTIF function to calculate number of employees, male and female.
I used the COUNTIF function to calculate number of employees, which are working in Full-time and Part-time.
The Employee's Payroll Information worksheet is where I record this information:
Column H – Gross Pay (I used a simple formula that will automatically calculate each employee’s gross pay: (hourly rate x hours) + (OT hours (OT rate x hourly rate))
In this formula I used Absolute cell references (when a formula is copied, the reference do not change).
- Economy & Finance Individual works
- Microsoft Word 925 KB
- 2018 m.
- English
- 20 pages (2038 words)
- College
- Jurgita