Parents' Experiences Of Caring For Sons And Daughters With Schizophrenia

Parents' experiences of. Key words. Schizophrenia Carers Coping Social support. Introduction / Previous studies. Research findings indicate. The aim. To investigate the experiences of a group of parents in detail and. Method. Sample. Participants were recruited from two carers’ support groups organized by National Schizophrenia Fellowship. Semi-structured interview format Psychiatric history and current symptoms. Clinical symptoms and coping strategies. Positive symptoms „It depends what the idea is. Negative symptoms „There are times when he says „Mum. „We try every now and then and say „Couldn’t you see so-and-so or somebody. Resources available to carers. Fellowship and attended carers groups. Although mental health services may potentially act as a significant coping resource for parents. Discussion. This research has. References.

Semi-structured interview format: Psychiatric history and current symptoms; The nature of parents’ care-giving role; Their methods of coping and resources available to and used by them. Audiotapes were transcribed verbatim which were subjected to a form of thematic content analysis (Smith, 1995; Pauli & Bray, 1998); Appropriate transcripts were assigned to theoretical categories derived from Lazarus and Folkman’s (1984) Interactional Theory of Stress and Coping – the stressors which parents reported, their coping strategies and coping resources.

  • Medicine Presentations
  • MS PowerPoint 43 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 15 pages (728 words)
  • College
  • Tadas
  • Parents' experiences of caring for sons and daughters with schizophrenia
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Parents' experiences of caring for sons and daughters with schizophrenia. (February 18, 2019). Reviewed on 16:35, March 6 2025