Paper: The Universal Declaration Of Human Rights

Further articles refer to specific rights, such as. UDHR. ICCPR. Word bank. Questions. Exercise Below are some extracts from the first 10 articles (there are 30 in allComplete the text by choosing the correct word form the box. The universal dexlaration of human rights.
The right to express one’s opinions and take part peacefully in assemblies.
a covenant - sandorisa promise to sb or a legal agreement;
provisions - nuostatos conditions or arrangements in a legal document;
arbitrary – savavališkas using power without restriction and without considering other people;
an abuse - piknaudžiavimas unfair, cruel or violent treatment of sb;
5. How should refugees be treated in foreign countries which they fled to?
2. daugelis šalių pasirašė tarptautinius susitarimus dėl individo traktavimo - many countries have signed international agreements on the treatment of an individual
6. laisvė nuo vergovės, žiaurių bausmių, savavališko arešto, sulaikymų ir pan. - freedom from slavery, cruel punishment, arbitrary arrest, detentions, etc.
7. konvencija skelbia lyčių lygybę ir minties laisvę – The Convention declares gender equality and freedom of thought
9. didelė Žmogaus Teisių Įstatymų dalis yra susijusi su pabėgėliais - A large part of the Human Rights Law relates to refugees
2. In law, it is the crime of disloyalty to one's nation - _an assault____
3. to encourage someone to do or feel something unpleasant or violent - ___to incite.