P2P Networks

P2P Networks.
P2P is technology, which allows to ,,communicate‘‘ without main server. Every computer is collecting data in P2P – every user allows to use his data when he is connected to the network. There is no concepts like ,,main server“ and client – all rights of computers are the same. Resources are used from all computers which are in network: hard drive capacity and power of central proccesor.
P2P has its own advantages and disadvantages. The first and most important – problem of legitimacy. There is always risk of viruses and harmful programs. There is risk of publicity of confidentional information and unwanted notifications When using P2P needs to pay a lot of attention to security.
Audronė Tatarūnaitė. File sharing sistemos: autorių teisių.
- Information technology Presentations
- MS PowerPoint 576 KB
- 2017 m.
- English
- 13 pages (414 words)
- University
- Karolis