Opinion Essay: Violence Against Children To Correct Misbehavior

Should parents smack, slap or hit their children to correct misbehavior? Opinion essay.

Violence against children was always a thing. Probably starting from early ages and even until now. Considering this matter some exceptions might be reasonable, but some should never be. Yet I have a strong opinion that in most cases parents should never use physical punishments for their childs.

To begin with, harsh violence can harm children physically. I have seen more than one case on TV news that children were hardly injured or on a death moment, because their parents hit them too hard and in vital spots. Basically, young people are very fragile and even their bones can break from well untought hit from their parents. Thus, parents should never hit children to correct misbehavior, because it can cause physical injuries.

Secondly, physical punishments repels connection. Simply saying, it damages the relationship between children and the parents. Abused children might feel frightened, unhappy, insecure, anxious and it really tears connection apart.

  • Relationships & Parenting Essays
  • Microsoft Word 1 KB
  • 2018 m.
  • English
  • 1 page (267 words)
  • Gymnasium
  • Nedas
  • Opinion essay: Violence against children to correct misbehavior
    10 - 3 votes
Opinion essay: Violence against children to correct misbehavior. (November 26, 2018). https://documents.exchange/opinion-essay-violence-against-children-to-correct-misbehavior/ Reviewed on 13:33, March 6 2025