Motivation Letter: Biomedical Studies

Motivation letter: Biomedical studies.
In tenth grade I've done an annual project work on the survey: „Ophthalmology. Eye disease. Contact lenses and it tendencies of the 15 18 year old gymnasium students.“ The purpose of the work was to evaluate the knowledge of contact lenses and eyes desease of school students with refractive deffects . Doing this project i have not only expanded my knowledge about the anatomy of the human eyeball and understood the structure of the optical system of the eye, I encouraged students who wears eye lenses to proper care of their care. Also,I had a marvelous practice working together with Vilnius University Medical Faculty students and a director of the Eye Center of the Vilnius University Hospital Santariškės Clinics. It gave me the opportunity to see a real work at the hospital, in labs and made me realised how hard fascinated am I about it. Besides, my project took the second place in all school, and i had an opportunity to completely defeat the stage fright: present it to a full hall of people.
I have been helping out in „Maisto bankas“ a charity and support fund, collecting food support and sharing it with organizations dedicated to help for deprived people. I regularly visit old people‘s home. Spending time with seniors of very respectable age and listening to their life stories made me realise how important it is to find out your place in life and how much you can achieve and accomplish if you dedicate your time to the work and activity you believe in. I helped with organisation the event with people with mental or physical disabilities. I get the chance to meet people of different backgrounds, I enjoy helping out. This type of v olunteering taught me how to engage with other people, enhancing my communication skills and also lifting my confidence in working with others.
„Yamaha“ musical schol, where i learned to play the guitar. Music is a room for improvisation, creativity involving. Sport school „Tauras“, where I play professional volleyball, and school volleyball team, helps me to keep it. With school team, we took the second place in Vilnius gymnasium tournamen. With my sport school team, we also had a lot of victories and defeat, around Lithuania and Europe.
Biomedical studies, not only will improve my understanding, but anticipate me a career path, which will enable me to apply my knowledge of Biomedicine to the real world, by discovering ways to cure life threatening diseases such as ,I have mentioned already, Lesh – Nyhan syndrome. I feel I am confidence, i have self motivate myself to fight and discover something monumental that would revolutionise biomedicine and make a huge difference to people's lives.