Motivation And Work

Content. Glossary. Introduction. Motivation. What is motivation? Famous people's mind about motivation. Motivation as a process. Levels of motivation process. Six levels of motivation in work. Nick Vujicic. McGregor's Theory and levels of self-motivation. Work. What is work? Human labour. Science. Why do we work? Rules for Life. Summary. Sources of information.

Energy - a feeling of tension caused or seeming to be caused by an excess of such power.

The crucial question, according to him. People all over the world seems to be very much unhappy. Obviously, money is big part of it, because people live out of it, but nevertheless there are more reasons, than the material feedback from work.

Representative of the news site “QUARTZ” had a discussion with the psychologist about his new book “Why We Work”, where he explains this phenomenon why do people hate the work and yet they do it.

Workers are satisfied then they are engaged by their work, they even lose sense of time.

It forces them to go outside their comfort zones as well as making workers to lose themselves in it.

The work days offers them the autonomy and discretion to achieve expertise.

It is opportunity of social interaction, they do lots of tasks in teams, pairs.

“Responsibility - it is part of the meaning of life, no responsibility? Then why even bother.”

It is as simple as that, according to him. Mr. Peterson is an expert of human social interaction. Some may say the words a quite strong “No meaning? What is the point of life?!”, however, the psychologist says, that if you are not going to find yourself some sort of responsibility, you may be on the path of self-destruction.

Tell the truth – or, at least do not lie.

Per a cat when you encounter one on the street.

Statistics by Gullup is devastating. On 13% out of all humanity is actually, truly happy and feel engaged with the work they are doing. With great minds like Mr. Peterson and Mr. Schwartz as well great examples Mr. Vujicic any person can be successful, we can overturn this number. Despite his condition he did not take route to depression and self-destruction, rather he acted and have worked hard. Action is possible only when you stay motivated. Only when you have the right amount to motivation, determination and know where to aim do you really feel achievement in life, success, fulfilment. This is the long-lasting success of any person who have achieved more. If you want to be successful, you must to fallow “12 Rules of Life”, six levels of motivation and McGregor’s theory, you must understand where you are aiming, focus, dedicate yourself, work hard and ultimately achieve the meaning of you.

  • Management Papers
  • Microsoft Word 44 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 13 pages (2372 words)
  • College
  • Laura
  • Motivation and work
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Motivation and work. (December 2, 2019). Reviewed on 16:54, March 6 2025