Migration Problem And Its Impact On Lithuania And Its Economy

Migration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy.

„The decision to migrate is influenced by numerous factors, of which the value of each individual is different and varies over time. In theory, a person emigrate if the benefits exceed the costs. Investments in migration - is a resettlement costs, psychological separation from loved ones and homeland cost.“ People migrate in the hope that their lives will be better in a new location. The failure of any additional forces will be based on personal decision to migrate two places advantages and disadvantages of subjective assessment, vol. y. the place where a person lives, and the place to which he intends to migrate. This suggests that at the same time the migration attitudes factors: expelling the place where a person lives in a particular moment (expelling / push factors) and attracting - to a place where a person intends to migrate (attract / pull factors). According to the nature of these factors may be at different levels. They can operate nationwide, community, family or individual level.“ Push and pull factors in a particular case is manifested as a variety of economic (wage rates, no economic / growth, unemployment), social-cultural (migration, fashion, tradition, no / tolerance), political (political system, election results), psychological (the ability to make personal decisions), security (for military or other conflicts, political repression, or other), geographic (climate), population / demographic and other factors. People in different ways the same external circumstances, or factors, making it impossible to identify and establish an exhaustive list of root causes of migration. On the other hand, people who decided to migrate often do not perceive themselves with good migration reasons.

There are four main waves of lithuanian‘s emigrating their country :

However, only at the end of XIX and beggining of XX cetury increased number of emigrants led to the lithuanians to become applicable to the nation of emigrants name. Economic conditions (excess labor, weak industrial development) stimulated migration of population to stronger industrial cities and regions, particularly Latvia and other Russian provinces. 1897. various provinces of the Russian Empire, lived about 300 thousand emigrants from Lithuania, 1897-1914 m. still about 74 thousand lithuanians went to the cities of the Russian Empire.

In 1918-1940. Lithuania withdrew from over 100 thousand. the population. Although the number of emigrants significantly decreased (compared with the pre-war period), according to the scale of emigration Lithuania was still among the leaders in comparison with other European countries. Lithuania was independent emigration remained the economic, political emigration was low. There were changes in the emigration countries - US immigration quotas imposed on the leading country lost as the main Lithuanian emigrants to the exposure. Expat roads turned to Canada and South America (Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay), part of the (mostly Jewish) emigrated to Palestine and South Africa.

  • Economy & Finance Papers
  • Microsoft Word 214 KB
  • 2015 m.
  • Lithuanian
  • 20 pages (5335 words)
  • Raimonda
  • Migration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy
    10 - 2 votes
Migration problem and its impact on Lithuania and its economy. (December 5, 2015). https://documents.exchange/migration-problem-and-its-impact-on-lithuania-and-its-economy/ Reviewed on 13:30, March 6 2025