Metaphors In Advertising Text And Their Translation Issues

Metaphors in Advertising Text and Their Translation Issues.
A metaphor, according to Oxford dictionary, is a phrase used to describe something else, in a way that is different from its normal use, in order to show that the two things have the same qualities. It is a type of figurative language, that is used a lot in books, blogs, advertisements and in everyday language. In current years, researches were carried out in the same area of interest, which suggests the growing relevance grasping the indirect meaning of metaphors and mastering their translation. Therefore, the purpose of my thesis is to delve deeper into the meanings behind metaphors and to sort out the best possible ways to translate them, without losing the main idea and the concept of it. The issue of translating metaphors raises the main question: what kind of problems are met when translating figurative language (metaphors) in advertisements and what are the best ways to deal with them?
The principal part of writing a thesis is understanding the topic, then raising a reasonable research problem, setting out appropriate and logical aims and objectives.