Management Pioneer: Henri Fayol Biography, Career, Ideas And Contribution To Science

Introduction. Henri fayol’s biography. Professional career. Henri fayol’s ideas and contribution to science. Management principles. Five functions of management. Conclusion. Task active vocabulary. Task write and answer the questions. Sources.

Management of a modern organisation is a complicated process based on management methods, principles and functions that have been developed in the last centuries and are still the most important basis for management methodology. Henri Fayol is one of the most important management pioneers.

Henri Fayol's biography and contribution to management science is the object of the paper. The goal of the paper is to review H. Fayol's general management principles, different functions of the manager, his contribution to management education, to get acquainted with his ideas, which were applied primarily in practice, and then set out in scientific works. The goal of the paper is detailed by tasks determining the structure of the paper as follows: firstly, the presentation a biography of Henri Fayol, afterwards his professional career, and finally the disclosure Henri Fayol ideas and contribution to science. Methodology of the work, which has helped to solve the above mentioned tasks, is a scientific literature analysis.

Scientist focused on administration. Constantly emphasized that administrative activity is a specific sphere of human activity, the aspects of this activity are the subject of independent research and its organization must follow certain principles. H. Fayol has set out these principles and provisions in his shops. Investigate the behaviour of the executives, the first to sort it down. H. Fayol believed that good governance practices had certain common features that could be identified and addressed. On this basis, he formulated the outlines of ideological doctrine, which still do not lose their power today.

Goals – to get acquainted with one of the most important pioneers in management.

Fayol has a good knowledge of managerial work and his success has been driven not by technical knowledge but by his excellent ability to lead. He practically upgraded his management techniques for 20 years, and only then presented them in his works. The methods and means of Fayol were not defined, but, on the contrary, he sought to simplify them. Since 1900 H. Fayol's scientific interest in developing professional activities was more related to administrative matters than with technical ones.

In 1918 H. Fayol after completing work in the private sector, he devoted all energy to solving state management problems. He was educated at the State Military Institute and set up an administrative research centre with the aim of spreading his management ideas. H. Fayol sought to depoliticize and improve the professional level of state institutions through educational work, in accordance with Helden's English reforms and introducing new ideas of state governance.

  • Management Papers
  • Microsoft Word 1192 KB
  • 2019 m.
  • English
  • 16 pages (3872 words)
  • University
  • Eglė
  • Management pioneer: Henri Fayol biography, career, ideas and contribution to science
    10 - 3 votes
Management pioneer: Henri Fayol biography, career, ideas and contribution to science. (May 3, 2019). Reviewed on 06:35, March 14 2025