Making A Compound From Two Solid Elements

Making a compound from two elements. Introduction. Materials used. Chemicals. Apparatus. Results. Conclusions. References.

The aim of the experiment is to see if two elements, in this case iron and sulphur can react if mixed, under room temperature or under high temperature, by heating. Observe any outcomes of the experiment and make conclusions.

Iron (s) + Sulphur (s) ???????? Iron (II) sulphide (s)

Iron filings – 3.30 gFlower of sulphur – 1.54 g

Iron filings and sulphur powder were mixed together on a clean sheet of paper and mixed together. By using magnet underneath of the sheet observation was taking place. It was observed that only iron filings were easily attached together and moved along with the magnet. By joining together they went spiky and upward. It was seen that under the normal room temperature iron and sulphur didn’t react together, so they where easily separated by using the magnet.

The mixture of iron filings and sulphur powder were poured into the glass test tube, mass 4 (test tube with iron and sulphur mixture before heating) – 27.54 g. It was placed under the Bunsen burner. Holding it with tongs it was heated under the blue flame. It started going red as it was burning, some liquid and bubbling was observed while burning. Yellow gas was seen evaporating, as well as smelled. Glowing at the bottom of it. After it all burned, it was left to cool down and weigh it again. Mass 5 (test tube with product after heating) – 27.44 g.

Overall, we can say that iron and sulphur being both solids and stable elements in the room temperature, don’t react together. When they were mixed together, nothing changed. We proved it by using magnet, as the mixture of iron and sulphur was easily separated. Only iron filings joined together and moved along with the magnet. This also showed that iron is magnetic and sulphur isn’t. Iron is one of a few metals that is magnetic due to its electronic structure. It is known as ‘’transition element’’. Magnetism at atomic /sub - atomic levels is due to charged particles called electrons. Electrons have spin that gives them angular momentum and thus a magnetic moment associated with it. That is the cause of magnetism at sub atomic levels.

  • Chemistry Laboratory works
  • Microsoft Word 85 KB
  • 2016 m.
  • English
  • 4 pages (787 words)
  • College
  • Jurgita
  • Making a compound from two solid elements
    10 - 2 votes
Making a compound from two solid elements. (June 2, 2016). Reviewed on 14:10, March 6 2025