Macroeconomic Indicators Of Lithuania

Macroeconomic Indicators of Lithuania.
Interpret the real and nominal growth rates of GDP in 2014
In 2014, nominal GDP has risen as never before. And it's still rising. This is happening since 2008, when the global crisis began. However, current data, nominal GDP in 2015 will increase not too much.
Appropriations approved by the State Budget 2015 (EUR 8,331.1 m) according to the state functions including the European Union structural assistance (pct. GDP)
1.Economy; 2.General state services; 3.Education; 4.Social securities; 5.Public order and security; 6.Healthcare; 7.Defence; 8.Environmental protection; 9.Recreation, culture, religion; 10.Logment and municipal economy.
Distribution of National Defence System appropriations (according to the approved budget estimate) across expenditure sectors in 2015 (EUR 425.0 m - 1.11℅ of GDP)
• For assets maintenance – EUR 92.9 m (21.8 ℅)
• For weapons and military equipment – EUR 45.7 m (10.8 ℅)
• For investment and other acquisitions – EUR 71.2 m (16.7 ℅)
- Economy & Finance Analysis
- Microsoft Word 169 KB
- 2016 m.
- English
- 11 pages (1597 words)
- Dovydas