Life In Soviet Union Essay

Life in Soviet Union essay.
Nowadays, people should be grateful for so many opportunities in their lives. Because in Soviet union people didn’t had that opportunities to choose what they want.
First of all, after World War II, our country was one of the biggest in the world. Most people thought that life would improve, but everything was the other way around. Stalin thought that there would be a war between the Western states and the USSR, so the most important resources were not for improving the living conditions of people, but for developing a military tool. So the situation in the country was very difficult: destroyed buildings, countless people, devastated cities, villages. We lacked everything, both food and clothing, and footwear. The government oppressed us. Constantly increased the burden of grain. Life was really difficult under Stalin's rule. However, his brutal control was stopped by his death in 1953. Then Khrushchev came to power. He denounced Stalinism but did not change the foundations of the Soviet regime. The new USSR government, with Khrushchev, has taken over the transformation of the country's life.
Some people also think that, several thousands of former party actors, officers, soldiers who were captured during the war by German prisoners were released from prison and camps. Then other prisoners also started to start. All camps had a relaxed regime, improved living and working conditions for prisoners. Stalin's monuments were destroyed throughout the country, and street and city names were changed. The regime of life has become softer. Khrushchev began to nurture plans to create wealth in the country.