Learning Foreign Languages Essay

Learning foreign languages.
Let us start by interpreting the data of the printded line chart. This chartą shows how many students took part in competitions of German in Lithuania. X-axis indicates years and y-axis the numbers. So in 2017 there were 147, in 2018 even 161 and in 2019 the numbers decreased to 106, probably because of pandamic. However, in 2020 it was 114. All in all, numbers vary no significant rise or fall can be seen.
Moving on, I would like to express my opinion about the future of such foreign language competitions. I truly believe they will not be very popular. Students do not learn German so much at school.
In my opinion, the number of students participating in German language competitions will decrease in the future, because the students of these days do not learn this language very much anymore. First, they need an incentive for students to participate in competitions. For example, teachers could give more attention to students who are preparing to take part in competitions, giving them a variety of tasks. In the end, students participating in competitions can receive various prizes if they take any place, can gain more knowledge. Second, in German language competitions, children can gain a better understanding of the language they are learning. For example, by speaking German, students are free to speak that language and develop their skills. In the end, of course, German language competitions can be useful for those students who want to talk to the people of that country so such competitions will only benefit them.