Languages (9)

516 documents
Question tags
Question Tags. What are they? How does it work? Examples. Check yourself! Need some more, don’t you? Some harder ones. You have a great memory, don’t you? And even more. Thanks!
Languages, 11 pages
2020 11 17
Questions about Ireland presentation
The capital of Ireland is. St. Patrick’s Day is always on. Which of the following languages is spoken in Ireland? The Irish (Gaelic) name for Ireland is. The national flag of Ireland consist of. How many countries are there in Ireland ? What ...
Languages, 20 pages
2018 10 04
Quiz english can be funny
Quiz english can be funny. Which is larger the Atlantic Ocean or the Pacific Ocean? What is the biggest state in the USA? What is the tallest mountain in Africa? What is the biggest state in the USA? Alaska. What is the tallest mountain in ...
Languages, 62 pages
2019 10 05
Reggio Emilia approach english language
Reggio emilia approach english language. Contents introduction introduction. History of reggio emilia approach. Basic principles and methods of reggio emilia philosophy. The reggio approach follows four major principles. These are Emergent ...
Languages, 12 pages
2019 10 31
Reise nach Deutschland
Reise nach Deutschland. Reiseziel. Wir konnen nach Deutschland fahren. Reiseform. Zuerst fliegen wir mit dem Flugzeug nach Berlin und dann mit dem Bus. Das Reisedokument. Wenn wir außerhalb der Europäischen Union reisen. Aktivitaten. Wir ...
Languages, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Reported speech slides
Reported speech. If the reporting. Time phrases also change in reported speech. Online practice of pronoun and time expressions shift. Differentiated work. - easier tasks 2331, 2333, Relay a telephone message (cards – work in partnersThere‘s ...
Languages, 30 pages
2022 05 18
Reported speech Why study?
General question Do you know her? Did you meet your friend yesterday? Will you go to Vilnius tomorrow? Have you seen this movie? Are you looking forward to Christmas holiday? Can you speak Russian?‘Do you know her?’ (tiesioginis ...
Languages, 22 pages
2017 12 08
Rich Dad's Cashflow Quadrant essay
Robert Kiyosaki is the cofounder of an international educational company which teaches business and investment principles. He is an active investor in real estate and specializes in the development of small cap companies.The basic ...
Languages, 3 pages
2020 04 23
Role play ppt
Role play. Answering questions. Well, let me see. Oh, let me think for a moment I‘m terribly sorry. Disagreeing. I‘m not sure. You‘re absolutely right I. Agreeing in part. Agree with. Giving an opinion. If you ask. Asking for an opinion. ...
Languages, 14 pages
2018 10 04
Rolltreppe abwärts Das Buch
Inhalt. Kurz über Autor. Steckbrief der Hauptperson. Zusammenfassung 5-9 S. Fragen zum Text. Antworten. II Kapitel Zusammenfassung.
Languages, 5 pages
2018 03 17
Roman von Ungern - Sternberg
Roman von Ungern-Sternberg. Wer war er und wann lebte er? Roman wurde am Dezember 1885 in Graz, Österreich-Ungarn geboren und starb am. Sein Leben. Er in die Pawlawsko-Militärakademie eintrat. Ungern machte sich als Anführer von ...
Languages, 6 pages
2019 11 25
Santa Claus essay
In Pennsylvania, west of New York, many German farmers also heard about St. Nicholas. But they called him Peltznikel. This word came from "pelz", which means "fur", and "nickel" - Nikolay. Therefore, the Germans of Pennsylvania represented St. ...
Languages, 5 pages
2018 10 04
Self-study task: watching the documentary „Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI“
Self-study task: watching the documentary „Machine Learning: Living in the Age of AI“.
Languages, 4 pages
2020 12 07
Shakespeare's Sonnet Analysis
This sonnet is about the problem of spirituality. It is a sonnet. It is English sonnet. It has 4 parts, 3 quatrains and a couplet. It is a dramatic poem, an implient monolog. The soul is the speaker. There’s human’s soul and body. The man in ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 01 23
Single parent families essay
Task Read the article and match each of the headings to a paragraph. Points. Task Read the article and decide if the statements are true (T) or false (FPoints.).
Languages, 2 pages
2021 01 26
Slides about Essay writing
Essay writing. Tips in writing essays. Introduction. Tips in writing essays. Workshop. Assignment. Draft. Introduction. St Paragraph. Rd Paragraph. Conclusion. Always put yourself in the place of the reader. Choose your words. Linking words. Now ...
Languages, 19 pages
2020 06 08
Slides about Idioms
Idioms. Idioms feelings. Over the moon / To be absolutely delighted. Speak volumes/ Expressing a reaction or opinion very clearly. Strike a raw nerve/ Upset someone because they are very sensitive about the subject. Put foot in mouth/ To say ...
Languages, 45 pages
2020 06 22
Slides about Smart home
Smart home. What is smart home. How does it works. Why smart home the benefits. Why Smart Home Comfort/Ease of Control. Why Smart Home Entertainment. Why Smart Home Security. Why Smart Home Health. Conclusion.
Languages, 9 pages
2020 06 10
Slides: History of chocolate
History of chocolate. Why I choose chocolate? How it all started. Fun facts. How chocolate changed people and places? Positivities and negativities of chocolate. Revolution of chocolate. Video. Conclusion. Thank you for your attention!
Languages, 10 pages
2020 09 22
Slides: Thomas Edison presentation
Thomas Edison. Biography. Thomas Alva Edison was born on February. Thomas Edison is the fourth most prolific inventor in history. Awards. The President of the Third French Republic. Places and people named for Edison. Several places have ...
Languages, 6 pages
2020 06 29
Social media impact on language For and against essay
For and against essay: Some people say that text messages, twittering and emails are an accepted part of the language we use in our everyday lives Others say that they are destroying our ability to spell and write properly.
Languages, 1 page
2022 05 11
Spanish language
Spanish language. Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages ​​in the Indo-European family of roman languages. The Spaniards themselves speak their native language more often than español. The Spanish language evolved from the ...
Languages, 9 pages
2018 12 21
Speak about holidays
Through all the year there are lots of different holidays line Easter holidays Christmas holidays Summer holidays and other. So today mainly i am going to speak about holidays that mean the most for us and there are Christmas holidays and Summer ...
Languages, 5 pages
2020 06 09
Sport in meinem und unserem Leben
In unserem Land sind Basketball, Fußball und Leicht –Athletik besonders populär. Aber es gibt nicht so viele Stadien und Plätze, wo Leute Sport treiben könnten. Dennoch gibt es in unserem Land viele hervorragende Sportler. Sie vertreten ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 12 10
Sports and games home work
Topic Sports and games. Why is america different. On a global scale. Were only concerned with. Wide variety of. As far as. Words z besides Don't mind. Were only concerned with. Include – įtraukti , a wide variety of. As far as. Are concerned. ...
Languages, 4 pages
2020 04 06
Stellungnahme Essay „Wird das Leben in der Zukunft besser sein?“
Stellungnahme Essay „Wird das Leben in der Zukunft besser sein?“.
Languages, 1 page
2018 12 27
Summary of UK accent RP (Received Pronunciation)
In the video Mr.Robinson talks about Received Pronunciation in the United Kingdom. Firstly he claims that English language has been in the UK for thousand years since settlers came from north Europe. There been number of dialects and accents in ...
Languages, 1 page
2022 04 19
Talk about the questions you gave me

Talk about the questions you gave me. What do you like about Discord/how do you use it? What games do you play? What kind of event experience do you have? Tell us about why you like going to ...

1. What do you like about Discord/how do you use it?2. What games do you play?3. What kind of event experience do you have? Tell us about why you like going to events!4. What do you do ...

Languages, 1 page
2017 12 19
Task 12: questions based on video: How does trees communicate?
Task 12 questions based on video How does trees communicate?
Languages, 3 pages
2018 12 02
Teachers resource pack key
Resource Activities Vocabulary. Key word transformations. Writing Suggested Answer. Pairwork Activities Suggested Answer. Portfolio Activities Suggested Answer Name. Writing Suggested Answer I was asleep in bed one night when , suddenly , a loud ...
Languages, 15 pages
2022 06 14