Languages (7)
Wie man weiß, leben viele Erwachsene lange Zeit bei ihren Eltern, und beeilen sich nicht. Ihr eigenes Leben zu beginnen, aus dem Haus auszusuchen zu heiraten und eine Familie zu gründen. Und ihre Eltern behalten Sie für lange Zeit. So kommen ...
Languages, 2 pages
2018 10 04
Letter about disturbance made by teenagers.
Languages, 3 pages
2020 11 19
Letter about position for a road services as executor.
Languages, 1 page
2018 10 04
I am writing regarding the book that I had borrowed from the British library that I have recently lost.To begin with I am sure that the book I have lost is quite expensive and losing it was a very big mistake. I would like to sincerely ...
Languages, 1 page
2022 07 05
You are due to start an English language course next week but you will not be able to because you have some problems.Write a letter to the manager of the language school. In your letter:I am writting to you, because I have starta n ...
Languages, 3 pages
2020 09 23
In the first sense. In the second sense. Being an English teacher qualities of a good teacher , a teacher’s roles , professional development. Communicative language competences linguistic , sociolinguistic , pragmatic and pluricultural ...
Languages, 9 pages
2018 01 23
Lies , was Claudia über ihre Erfahrungen beim Deutschlernen schreibt. Wie charakterisiert sie die verschiedenen Sprachen ? Trage die Adjektive in die Tabelle ein. Wovon hängt es AB , was wir lernen und behalten ? Ergänze den folgenden Text. ...
Languages, 2 pages
2019 01 26
Introduction. The concept of life and death. The philosophical context. Literary Context. The concept of existencialism. The life and death of Hemingway. Life and death in the works of hemingway. “The Old Man and the Sea”. “A Farewell to ...
Languages, 26 pages
2019 01 26
Ilse Aichinger Das Fenster Theater Aufgaben. Verfassen Sie eine Inhaltsangabe zu der Kurzgeschichte. Weisen sie fünf typische Merkmale einer Kurzgeschichte am Text nach. Welche Absicht en verfolgt die Autorin mit ihrer Kurzgeschichte? ...
Languages, 4 pages
2019 04 08
In Studiengang Tourismusmanagement Deutschlehrerin IM HERBST zu lernen Eltern helfen Kartoffeln sammeln. Meine Freizeit. IM WINTER Skifahren Spiel mit dem Schnee einen Schneemann bauen. IM FRÜHLING In der Natur sein Mit der Familie zusammen zu ...
Languages, 9 pages
2019 10 07
Jeder hat seinen eigenen Kreisen, aber sein Leben ist und das wichtigste von der Rad-der beste Freund. Einige sind umgezogen, andere nicht, auf der Suche nach... Ich habe Ihren Mann und lassen Sie mich Ihnen davon erzählen.Dieses Mädchen ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 03 17
Mein traumberuf. Wörterbuch. Was wolltest du als Kind werden? Was ist dein Traumberuf jetzt? Was ist dein Lieblingsfach? Warum? Was ist dein Hobby? Ist dein Hobby mit deinem künftigen Berufverbunden? Welche Charaktereigenschaften und ...
Languages, 14 pages
2022 05 30
Metaphorisation of the concept sky in english and spanish. A corpus based research. Analysis general results. Normalised per million. Metaphorical uses of the noun sky cielo in monolingual corpora. El cielo más negro. Un cielo gris. The wide ...
Languages, 9 pages
2018 10 04
Metaphors in Advertising Text and Their Translation Issues.
Languages, 4 pages
2020 01 24
Milk. Mti. The objective of my presentation. To reveal the. What is milk? Milk is obtained. Nutritional qualities. The composition of milk differs widely among species. Milk and its products contain vitamins important for the human body - A, B. ...
Languages, 11 pages
2018 10 04
Modals. Need, didn’t need to, needn’t have. Needn’t and don’t need to. These verbs are used to describe present situations. We can also. Need can either act as a modal verb or as an ordinary verb. Didn’t need to and needn’t have. ...
Languages, 13 pages
2020 11 17
Nowadays human activities are constantly causing harm to the environment through pollution. Today I am going to talk specifically about the pollution of rivers and lakes. The given pie chart illustrates the results of a survey in which people ...
Languages, 3 pages
2021 01 26
Today I‘m gonna talk monologue about friends. The monologue statement idea of this topic is that „If you want to have a friend, be one“ I really don‘t agree with idea of the statement. Because if you will stay alone at home and you will ...
Languages, 1 page
2022 05 03
Primarly, I would like to say that all of us should care about the nature and what is happening with the earth at the moment. Hundreds of animal and plant species go extinct everyday. We must take care of (at least) endagered species because we ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 04 03
Monologue: „Entertainment for the weekend“.
Languages, 1 page
2018 10 08
Monologues: Road safety, Calendar Holidays, Studying abroad, language learning.
Languages, 5 pages
2022 05 14
Going to the United Kingdom for my future education was one of the most important decisions in my life. I will graduate from school this year. I think that moving to another county will help me to gain a lot of new experience and be more ...
Languages, 1 page
2018 04 03
I discovered strong devotion for human behavior and psychology only after long path of self – analysis. It started when as 12 years old kid I started to ask myself ‘What am I living for’ and to answer this question I was ready to do my ...
Languages, 2 pages
2020 05 01
Rūdninkai. Rudninkai is a settlement in Šalčininkai district. The name comes. Rudninkai is a village on the right bank of Merkis. The Rūdninkai forest. At present, the forest is a landscape preservation park. The forest attracts. The streams ...
Languages, 15 pages
2018 10 04
Networking has a few expressions it might mean socializing with colleagues and friends. For others it is all about finding lots of useful business contacts. For others it’s a way to get help and improve communication skills. Referral is an act ...
Languages, 1 page
2019 12 28
Non-verbal communication. Nonverbal communication (NVC) between people is communication through sending and receiving wordless cues. What is nvc? Body language. Body language may include the way a person sits or stands. Facial expression. ...
Languages, 14 pages
2018 10 04
Nouns. What is a noun? A noun is a naming word. A noun is the name of a person. Girl. A noun is the name of a place. Garage. A noun is the name of a thing. Stethoscope. Match the Noun Game. Nutmeg optician clown pen trumpet eagle hoe stetson ...
Languages, 16 pages
2018 10 04
Nouns. What is a noun? A noun is a naming word. The dog followed the boy. Dog is the name of an animal. Can you find the nouns in the following sentences? The window was broken. Which word is a noun? I lost my knife. Yes it’s knife. The bun was ...
Languages, 15 pages
2018 10 04